/14/ Class Trial

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How tf did I get 90+ followers? It's all thanks to you guys! Never thought I would go this far. Don't worry, even if I'm less active, this story will be finished. Anyway, thanks a lot guys. I know it's getting boring. I'll try to spark up the fun.

First class trial

Naegi's POV

I'm pretty nervous. I had lots of help from Kyoko-san, which was sweet, but I'm still not sure if I can prove myself. I don't want them to die!

We were led to an elevator. It was really creepy and...despairing. But everyone needs help at this point so the least I can do is to keep my, and their, hopes up. People were eyeing me warily. Ughhh, when will they believe that it's not me?

We soon entered a room containing 16 places. Why 16, I didn't know.

We all took our places and Monokuma popped up.

Upupupupu welcome to the trial room. Isn't it beautiful??

Monokuma kept babbling about how this class trial thing works. When do you think will he shut up?!

When he finally did (thank goodness) we started the trial.

Kirigiri's POV

The killer.

The killer is Leon.

I have found enough proof. Proof enough for them not to kill Naegi.

Let's do this.

3rd person's POV

The first class trial.

Sayaka Maizono died.

Everybody was nervous. Naegi jumped at any sound. Asahina munched at her 9001th donut that day. Ishimaru was playing with his fingers. Everyone was showing their nervousness, in any manner. Even Togami did, he was sweating profusely.

But Kirigiri was there. Confident with herself. She carried herself with much pride, but no one knew.

No one knew that she had worked hard for Naegi to stay alive.

The trial started. Kirigiri, Naegi, and Togami were leading the trial. Naegi often was the one who found contradictions in the statements. Kirigiri often gave the proof. Togami often explained the reasons behind the events.

They were so close to finding the killer. And then, Naegi accused him. Naegi accused Leon.


And with that, he was sent to his death by Monokuma.

A thousand baseballs had hit Leon. He still wasn't dead. The last ball hit him. He stared at us, wide-eyed, and closed his eyes, never to open them again.

All were traumatized by the experience.

But Kirigiri felt victorious.

Naegi felt a little proud too, due to his success in the class trial. In, fact, he was very grateful to Kirigiri.

Togami was never the same again. He talked less and never did he leave his room for days.

Toko instantly fainted at the sight.

Asahina rushed to the kitchen to stress eat all the donuts.

Sakura exercised to take her mind off the experience.

Chihiro cried a lot, and cried even more after that.

Mondo became uncontrollable. His short temper went even shorter.

Ishimaru found faults in everything he saw. He never wanted anyone to die, and he felt that it was his fault anyone died.

Celes made her first obvious lie, lying that she was totally okay.

Hifumi forgot about all his 2d girls and resorted to cowering in the corner.

Hagakure became even more stupid, to say the least.

Junko(Mukuro) felt...betrayed. But she didn't wish to disappoint her sister.

And that was how they were after the class trial.

Oh hi there! Thanks for reading my book. If you are still reading it up until now, I congratulate you! You guys are awesomeeee

583 words

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