/13/ This ain't a scene, it's a ***damn death, fools

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Makoto's POV

I woke up this morning with an odd feeling. A feeling of dread. But I continued on to the dining hall.

As I entered the hall, I noticed something wrong: Sayaka was missing.

"Hey everybody! Have you see Sayaka? Hello?!"

Everybody looked at me.

Asahina looked worried.

"Everyone! Let's search for her!"

So everybody looked for her.

Kirigiri found her.

"I think you should have a look at this."

Everyone followed her.

We saw Sayaka dead in the bathroom.

I fainted.

Kirigiri's POV

Naegi fell on the floor. I massaged my temple. It was a bit annoying how he fainted at the sight of Sayaka's death. Really annoying.

"Ugh, could someone bring him somewhere?"

Suddenly, we heard a noise coming from the monitor.

Ding dong (sorry i rlly frgt how da sound goes)

Upupupu, a body has been found.

The silly bear reminded us of the silly trial he was talking about on the first day.

He gave us this so called "Monokuma Report" containing information on the murder. Then he just left.

Mondo carried Makoto and I proceded to investigate. I heard people accusing Naegi, for Sayaka's murder.

"I-It's N-Naegi for s-sure! S-She died in h-his room" Toko stuttered

I sighed but no one knew that I was really annoyed.

This investigating seemed easy to me, as if I've been doing it my whole life. Reading reports, investigating them, resolving the problem.

I investigated everything possible. I just needed to ask Naegi some questions.

As if on cue, Naegi entered, still looking a little fazed.


"O-oh Kirigiri. I'm sorry I fainted. I heard about this so called class trial. And they think i'm the murderer. Do you think I'm the murderer too? I wouldn't do a thing like that Kyoko-san!"

Kyoko-san? That sounds...familiar. And endearing. It sounded sweet, coming from him. I immediately shook those thoughts from my head as I faced him.

"No Naegi. I believe you. I just need to ask some questions but it's just for confirmation."

Naegi looked at me gratefully.

"Thanks a lot Kyoko-san! I'll answer your questions for me."

I asked him about a lot of things, like if he always cleaned his room because no hair was on the ground. Also regarding his door. It apparently was broken but Monokuma taught him how to open it. And i'm sure Naegi wouldn't kill anyone, he's such a sweetheart to everybody. Wait, did I just say sweetheart? Nevermind. But so far, most evidence point away from him. I want to help him. The poor guy. He's pretty smart too, being able to decipher the clues I gave him. I really hope the others choose right.

Heyyyy isn't it the most beloved and amazing readers and voters I've ever met! Sorry for the super slow and short chapters. School is sooooo mean. Don't worry, stay tuned for the class trial.

Oh, and since this is fanfiction, I can change the plot so don't kill me for doing so.

Baiiiii dear sinners!

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