/6/ Distant lovers

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Naegi's POV


I don't even understand what Kirigiri did back there.

She told Maizono that I still loved her.

She did that to save me.

From death.

But not from hell.

And this hell is a very special kind of hell.

I hate Maizono. She left me, for goodness sake! I used to like her but she turned to Leon Kuwata! I don't understand!

Kirigiri's POV

I pity Naegi.

He absolutely, definitely, certainly loathes and despises Maizono. But he has to bear it. I panicked, I have to admit. I had to save him.

Yes, I loved him to much that I sacrificed the first person I loved genuinely after a long time. Alas, people do say, there is no forever. There still is hope though. I have a plan. It is really complicated but we have no choice. What can we do? I did what I thought was right. Followed my instincts which never had once failed me.


Really, I hope Naegi's not late. The plan I have in mind is really complicated.


Hurry up Naegi


Ugh, late once more


Sudeenly, the door bursts open.

Kyoko-san! I'm not latee!

*facepalms* you actually are, by one minute.

I'm sorry Kyoko-san. You see, Maizono was suspicious because I was going out but I said that Leon's going to go with me. So, she let me. By the way, Leon's at a bar drinking. I feel really bad for him y'know. We felt the same kind of anger.

Okay, lets just get to the point Makoto. I did something really wrong but we have to do this. Did you see how Maizono was ready to kill? So I made a plan. The goal is to keep us. Yes, us. And there is only one way to do it.

How will we do it Kyoko?

We break up.


What? WHAT. W-why, for Maizono?!?!

It's the only way Makoto.

And that's how the relationship ended. Though we barely started, it has come to an end


Hey there! So very sorry because this was a really short chapter but you know exams is near so, I cry. But I'll try to update as soon as possible. Yay
Again, forgive me

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