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Hello everyone, thank you for choosing this story!

Before you read, you may want to know a few things.

1. This is not a Hiccstrid. I apologize for all those Hiccstrid shippers that stan their OTP, but the sole purpose of this story was to show that Hiccup cannot forgive Berk for what they've done. The ship here will be HiccupXOC.

2. There will be another Night Fury. No, Toothless is not the last of his kind. Yes, the Moon Fury is still technically a Night Fury. For the sake of this story, I will say that Fury is the breed of dragon, and the "Night" or "Moon" tells you the gender.

EDIT after HTTYD3: Wow I was spectacularly close. Instead of a Light Fury, I went for a Moon Fury which is basically just navy blue instead of white. Like the movie, she will not have the same plasma blast as Toothless. Instead of a purple-orange fire blast, the Moon Fury's blast is white.

3. There is no smut/lemons so don't fear! Although there is some suggestive content and swearing because I have a sailor's mouth. I apologize if my language offends anyone.

4. If anything seems out of place, or incomplete, please tell me so I can get it fixed.

EDIT June 2018: Revisions are taking place so if there are any continuity errors, I'm probably in the process of getting them fixed right now.

EDIT May 2022: Hi :D. Revisions are happening again. If it's weird, let me know so I can fix it right away.

5. This story was first published in November of 2015. If you see a story with a very similar plot line or OCS, please report it. I have worked hard on a specific story arc, and the characters were given much thought.

6. There is a sequel. And eventually this will become a trilogy.

7. For those of you who have seen this story on, yes, I am the same author. became cumbersome for me to use. I decided to switch over.

8. As you can probably see on my profile, HTTYD is not my only fandom. If I decide to update another book instead of this one, please respect my decision and don't spam my comments or my inbox. (Sighs deeply...)

9. This story was inspired by The Boy Behind The Mask on Any similarities may be intentional, but I am working hard to maintain the originality of our stories and keep mine different. I just really enjoyed the idea of Hiccup going through with running away!

10. I will not accept any flames towards me or any other readers. That is bullying. Otherwise, any constructive criticism is gratefully accepted. Or just random thoughts and opinions. I read all the comments and I try to respond to all if I can.

EDIT 11: I started writing this story years ago as a literal child. I'm working through the plotholes and awkward-sounding language right now but it's still going to sound a little off because my writing hadn't matured (as it tends to be at a young age). Regardless of the cringiness in some points, I'm still quite proud of this book so I just ask that you take it all with a grain of salt.

I hope you enjoy this story!
-MseriesJ143 trio <3

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