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Hailey's P.O.V.

The black that was Elizabeth came towards me, and I lay still. It flowed into my mouth, and in through my nostrils. I couldn't breathe. But she needed to be back inside me. So I laid still, waiting for it to be over. Gabriel stood somewhere next to me, watching me inhale my evil all over again.

The liquid stopped, and still I laid still. My eyes burned, my ears, my nose, and my whole body. All the evil thoughts I had ever had, flooded back into me. I shook on the floor, and someone touched me. I smiled softly, but then screamed. As if the thoughts weren't enough, then the actions from those thoughts flooded back. She had done so much.

I watched her punch Rich, the satisfaction flowing into my head, I watched her beat Dr. Lanyon, and the pain he felt bringing her pleasure. Then I saw her murder someone, a little girl. She was just walking along the street, and Elizabeth just looked at her once, and pushed her down. She fell hard, and the little girl hit her head, against grass it would have been a bump, but hitting the cement? Blood forced trauma to her head, she was dead in seconds.

Tears streamed down my face, the memories stopped. Gabriel looked down at me, shocked and confused. He came towards me, but then a nurse came in, and called for a doctor. Dr. Lanyon woke up and looked at us in his room, a little confused.

"Hailey? Gabe?" he asked groggily.

"Hey doc." Gabe said a little pale.

"You don't look to good." He stated looking at Gabe.

"I've seen some weird things today doc." Gabe sat down next to Lanyon.

I grabbed the edge of his bed, and pulled myself up. I breathed heavily, taking in as much air as possible. Basically gasping I looked at Lanyon. My mouth tastes like metal and blood, and I smiled weakly at him.

"You did it didn't you?" he asked getting up from the bed.


"You took her back inside didn't you? That isn't what I meant, Hailey. I meant to kill her." He said looking at me concerned.

He put an arm around my shoulders, and I slipped away from him. Slowly I backed into the wall, looking into Lanyon's eyes. They were dark, and he was smiling almost too sweetly.

"I can't kill a part of me, she's my demons but I have to face them and keep them within my body, keep them in the cage. She killed someone, nearly killed you, broke Rich's nose. She's dangerous, and I need to keep her locked up." I growled at him.

He glared at me, "You idiot girl, you know what you've done? Kept it all to yourself."


"That potion it was for me, I wanted Jekyll to make me the potion so I could rid myself of my evils, it was perfect, and you had to ruin it."

"You're insane." I whispered.

"No my dear, Hyde was insane. I'm nothing but a man who wants his demons expelled from his body."

"You're mad!" I exclaimed.

He approached me slowly then as he grabbed my arm, something was shattered over his head, and fell onto the floor. His eyes rolled backwards and he was out. Gabriel caught him, looking at me worried. I smiled looking at the broken vase bellow his feet, glass everywhere. He smiled back dragging Lanyon back into the bed. As we left, he stirred in the bed, making us freeze.

"Hyde was... never real. I'm dreaming..." he mumbled in his sleep.

We left quickly, looking out for nurses and doctors. They rushed past us, and into his room. He began to scream out 'Where is she!?' or 'Hailey come back here!' and then silence. They had knocked him out cold. We got into Gabe's truck, and he looked at me once before kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back softly.

He pulled me closer, as close as we could get in his front seat anyway. I hugged him tightly, and he kept apologizing to me.

"I should've believed you, I'm so, so, so sorry Hailey." He whispered into my ear.

"It's fine, it sounded insane anyway." Did it really young one?

"I'm never going to doubt you again. I promise."

"Okay." I said smiling at him.  

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