1: Meeting

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Grace P.O.V

For once it was a nice day outside so I decided to walk somewhere. I don't know where I was going but I didn't care.
I ended up at the park. So I sat down under the oak tree and watched. Watched the children having fun, I thought back to when I was little.
It was peaceful. That was until a group of around 6 boys came past me loudly. One of the fell over my legs.
'Hey watch what your doing Missy,' he shouted. I turned away.
'Ryan can down. Your fault,' another said. I'm sure I know that name, and the voices.
'Hey, ignore him, he's a bit upset coz his girlfriend finished h. I'm dean,' he came and knelt right next to me. I looked at his face.
'OMG! Your HomeTown!!!! I can't believe I didn't realize this before. Sorry I'm a bit excited to meet you,' I said slightly embarrassed.
'Its OK. We love meeting fans,' dayl said.
'Can I have a picture,' I asked shyly.
'Sure,' dean said. He took my phone and took a picture. I looked at my watch.
'I'm so sorry, I really have to go. I'm already late,' I said
'Its OK. We can walk you,' josh said helping me with my stuff. Dean gave me back my phone. I don't know why he still had it.

Deans P.O.V
She was beautiful. I know I've only just met her and all, but she's out of this world. She's not like other fans that will mob us and grab at us. She's so polite and happy. I know I will be seeing her again.

So, the first chapter is up. Hope you like it
Hopefully it won't fail.


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