Noodles gone wrong part 2

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(Hey guys so basically imma probably change P.O.V's a bit so just keep an eye out for that,OK thanks)

Deans P.O.V

The girls came running in telling us to get out of the house. I thought Grace was with them until we got outside.
'Wheres Grace?' I asked. The girls assured me they were coming out soon. Dayl had disappeared, but I think he went with Cian to call fire brigade and ambulance. There was smoke coming underneath the door. It took everyone there to hold me back. There was a bang. Followed by someone hitting the door. The door opened and there was Grace. She fell I to my arms and mumbled something that I couldn't make out. I pulled her away from the house and cleared her airway. She began breathing properly but didn't open her eyes. Cian came running back.
'Where's Dayl?' He asked.
'Thought he was with you,' Josh said.
'No, he went to find Becca,' Cian said. I didn't even realize she wasn't here.

Dayls P.O.V

Everyone came out the house apart from Grace and Becca. Dean was panicking so I told cian that I'd go round back to try and get the girls. When I was there someone tried getting out the back door. It was filled with smoke and I couldn't get in. I heard a grace go front door. Then a loud bang. Suddenly something exploded and there was fire. I could see clearer through the window, there was someone there. The front door was open and I heard dean shout grace. That must mean, the person in there is Becca. I had to help her. I tried kicking in the door, then tried climbing through the window, it didn't work. I couldn't get in the back way so I'd have to try the front way. But they'd all try and stop me. I went round the front anyway.

Deans P.O.V

I saw Dayl run round to us and go to open the door. Cian held him back. He looked a state, tears coming out of his eyes, hair a mess, hand all bruised and cut. But I knew why. we all did. We would do that same. I would do the sane at least. I couldn't leave Grace in there, I had to get her out, but the others wouldn't let me. Grace means the world to me and I would do anything for her, so Dayl must be having an even harder time. I told the others to let him go, we'd keep the door open, because Dayl said she's near the door. They were hesitant but I managed to get Dayl inside. The door was open and I was standing there waiting for him. The ambulance arrived and went to check on Grace, I needed to go over, but one of my best friends needed help first.
'Dayl!?' I shouted into the house.
'One sec, I'm coming out now,' he shouted back. I heard coughing and the saw Dayl appear. He had her in his arms. One of the medics ran over as soon as she heard him cough. Grace was being put into the ambulance, I ran over to her before the door shut.
'I'm her boyfriend, you've got to let me in,' I begged. I was let in. I squeezed her hand, she lightly squeezed it back.

Hey guys, another update. Yay. Hope your enjoying it and if you have any ideas feel free to comment or message me. Don't forget to vote and if you do want a part, ask and I'll try and fit you in.



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