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Graces P.O.V
I woke up, with my phone flashing like the Blackpool allumintions. I checked to see who was texting me so early. It was dean. I then realizes it was 12pm so maybe not that early. I had 10 messages from Dean, all asking if I enjoyed last night and why I was ignoring him.
(D-Dean G-Grace)

G- sorry, I was sleeping. I had an amazing time yesterday, don't worry.

D- it OK.I was getting worried then. Anyway, we are going to studio later, wanna join? xx

G- Sure thing. Can you pick me up though xx

D- yeah, be there in about half an hour xx

G- sure. See you then xx

I realized I didn't have long to change so I didn't bother with a shower, I'll have one tonight, I just put on some jeans and a t shirt with a jumper. I grabbed my converse, bag, phone, keys and purse and got it all ready. I quickly brushed my hair and grabbed an apple just in time. A horn went outside my house so I went out the door, locked it and climbed into the back of the van.
It took about half an hour before we arrived. We walked in and the boys signed in. I just stood behind them. Then the lift. It wasn't that I hated lifts, there was a lot of us in a small space. Dean noticed my fear so I explained. He promised to keep my safe and I was to stand behind him in my own space. The others understood. We got to the room where there manager was waiting. He took a look at me and asked me to step outside. 'Why?' Dean questioned as I began to walk out.
'Stay' the lads said. I probably looked like a lost, confused puppy.
'Fine, but I told you no girlfriends. I made cian break up with his so its not fair,' Louis began.
'No, we all have girlfriends, apart from cian coz of you. You let us be us with who we want and you can keep the band, if you can't do that we can find another manager,' the boys stood up.
'As long as the fans don't find out and nothing to much happens' Louis warned and began the lecture of keeping private life away from band life. Soon they began recording though.

I was blown away by their voices, despite being so different they fitted together so perfectly. It was amazing. I had an amazing time just sat there watching and listening. It was beautiful.

Hey, I'm.sorry. this was supposed to be longer but I decided to update sooner. As I promised every week about 5 weeks ago. But a lot of stuff is going on so I don't know when I'll have chance to update again. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me.

Thank you.

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