Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

                The next Friday, I stood at my locker, replacing my morning books with ones that I would need for the afternoon. A week had passed since Noah’s birthday and still he was home resting. Although his injuries were healing pretty quickly, his doctor have him strict orders to take it easy for the next couple of weeks, and even then, when Noah went for another check up, he could possibly still be ordered to take more time off school.

                To say he was bored out of his mind, was an understatement. During the day-when I would be in class- he would text me complaining about how bored he was… in one letter text messages. The boy was insane.

                “Hey,” a familiar preppy voice chirped from my side. Glancing over my shoulder I saw Zoe, standing hand in hand with Cole. Since we had cleared up things between us that one night at work, Zoe and I had been talking here and there. Of course, it wasn’t like before, where we would either be constantly together or constantly texting, but it was getting there.

                I smiled and turned back to face my locker to finished gathering my books. “Hey guys, what’s up?”

                “I just wanted to come over and ask if you had plans on Saturday,” Zoe said.

                Closing my locker, I twisted the dial and turned around. Slinging my backpack over my shoulders I held onto my straps and tilted my head to the side. “I work in the morning but I get out at three. Why?” I asked.

                “There’s a party Saturday night at Cole’s. You want to go?” she asked a hopeful smiling spreading across her lips.

                I glanced over at Cole and gave him a small smile. He and Ryder had always been closer, so in a way it was weird having his best friend stand before me when I no longer was with Ryder. Before, if it weren’t for the twins and Ryder, Cole and I would have never of talked. He was way too closed off and I never felt fully comfortable. He was a complete other person when he was around Zoe or Ryder though, he was a bit more carefree. He joked and laughed but neither of them were around, he was silent.

                I honestly thought he just didn’t like me.

                “Please?” Zoe asked, breaking my thoughts. Glancing over at her, I gave her an apologetic smile. “I don’t know Zo…” I said, my fingers pulling my sweater sleeve over my palm. “Last time I went to a party, was when I caught…” I drifted off and glanced at Cole and Zoe, my gaze switching from one to another every few seconds.

                Zoe bit her lip and nodded, “I understand… you’re not ready. But if you change your mind call me, okay?”

                I nodded and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “I will.”



                I looked up from my textbook and stopped wiggling my pen. As my grey orbs connected with a pair of ice blue eyes, I stopped and stared at the person standing before me.

                Kimberly stood awkwardly behind the chair, her blonde hair curled and tired to the side. She wore a green dress, a black leather jacket over the emerald material. I could tell she was wearing wedges, because she towered over my sitting form.

                Even though she stood awkwardly before me, the look in her eyes told me she came here for a purpose. Her perfectly manicured hands gripped the wooden chair she stood behind, while her eyes were glued to me.

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