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A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for giving this a read! I hope you enjoy this and decide to keep on reading until the end. This a first draft so mistakes such as grammer and so on will be seen. I am not perfect. Also, there will be strong language and violence. I swear it won't be that much, just enough to make this interesting! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this!

Once again, this is the first draft of A Known Stranger. Please excuse any mistakes.





                There was one thing I loved most about living in California, and that was knowing that I could simply walk out my back door and instantly be on one of the many beautiful beaches on the coast of Cali.

                I especially loved doing that in the middle of the night.

                There was nothing like stepping onto the deserted beach in the middle of the night and watch the waves roll in and out without an interruption, nothing like feeling the grains of sand between your fingers and toes as you buried them deep within the soft sand; nothing like letting yourself get lost in the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks further down the beach, that made you feel alive.

                It was relaxing; calming, and I absolutely loved it.

                So as I sat on the beach with my toes and fingers buried in the warm, soft sand I let my mind wonder off to the thoughts that consumed my mind most of the day. As I stared out into the dark waters of the Pacific Ocean that were illuminated by the full moon, I wondered how I let my life come to this. How I managed to question everything I once believed in so easily.

                I lived a pretty average life.

                I had a unique kind of family, crazy friends that I could count on for anything, and a boyfriend who adored me. I received nothing but good grades, I worked part time at Starbucks and I even had a good relationship with my parents. My dad was in the army and my mother was a nurse. Sure their careers were demanding, requiring them to be gone about 95 percent of the time but I knew they loved me and wanted nothing more than to spend more time with me than they already did.

                Some say I had it all, and I believed I did. So why was it that I felt like there was something missing? I was perfectly content with my life, ignoring the nagging voice that told me something wasn’t right because the way I saw it, I had everything I wanted- possibly even more.

                That was until Noah James came strolling into my life.

                Blonde shaggy hair that flew in the wind, hazel eyes that could stop you mid-walk, a body that could make you drool a river and a smile that could blind you, Noah James was the spitting image of perfection. And then he spoke and you knew he was trouble. With his deceiving charm and way with words, he could have any girl at the snap of his fingers, he was a womanizer and at that he strutted around acting as if we were about to fall to our knees and kiss the ground he had just stepped on.

                He was arrogant, self-righteous, self-centered and so many more things rolled into one. He was the reason why I began to question what I once believed in so easily, and he changed the way I viewed things.

                He was also the reason as too why I died.

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