Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

                “Happy birthday,” I whispered into Noah’s ear. It was 12:01 AM, officially the fifth of October. It had been a few days since Noah and I had fist kissed, and since then, there had been many kisses in between then and now. I wasn’t exactly sure what Noah and I were, but I had just added that question into the pile of other questions that I had to ask Noah later on. I knew that right now, wasn’t the right time.

                Running my fingertips down the length of his hairline and down his jaw, I felt him shiver from my touch and I smiled. Lowering my head down to his, I pressed my lips to the corner of his mouth and gave him a small kiss. Letting out a sigh, Noah stirred and as I raised my head and stared at him, I noticed his eyes fluttering open.

                “Hmmm,” he smiled.

                “Happy birthday,” I repeated with a smile of my own.

                Noah’s hazel eyes met my grey orbs and through the small amount of moonlight shinning through the window of his bedroom, I could see the different look of admiration take over. “Thank you,” he whispered, leaning onto this good side and planted a kiss on my lips. It was short and sweet, but it still caused my heart to stop, restart, and beat at a hundred miles per hour.

                “What time is it?” he asked once he was lying on his back once again. I held myself up with my elbow, half of my body lying on Noah’s good side. I made it a habit to lie on his good side so I wouldn’t be able to hurt him since he had four broke ribs on one side and two fractured on the other. Although his injuries were healing quickly, I still took precaution so he wouldn’t be in any discomfort.

                “Midnight,” I replied. “You were asleep when I got here and I didn’t want to wake you, so I did some homework and then helped your mom cook dinner.”

                “Did she ask why you were here again?” he asked me.

                I shrugged, “No, but she kept smiling at me as if she knew something was going on.” I told him.

                He sighed, “Same here, she came in here after she got home from work and asked me what was going on between us lately.”

                I bit my lip stared down at him, I was still propped up on my elbow, hand resting on his chest while my leg was tangled within his. “What did you tell her?”

                “That we’re getting along,” he replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

                I arched a brow and lowered my head a tad, “’That we’re getting along’,” I quoted him.

                He nodded, his own head rising to meet up with mine. “Uh-huh,” he mumbled, his cold lips brushing against mine lightly like feathers. The small act sent heat to spread across my body.

                I smiled in a mockingly way, my hand running up his chest as I cupped his cheek. “What makes you think we’re getting along?” I asked him.

                He lifted and dropped his shoulders, his eyes flicking down to my own before meeting my gaze again. “Just a feeling,” and before I could come up with a witty comeback, Noah’s hand wrapped around the back of my neck and kissed me, his cold lips brushing against mine, slow and soft, as if testing out the waters for the first time.

                He smiled, his fingers tangling themselves into hair before kissing me again, this time fast and aggressive. Our lips moved in perfect rhythm, beat after beat moving against each other. None of our other kisses had ever been like this. Behind this kiss, I felt something different, I could feel his emotions passing through his lips and running into my veins, drowning my senses and numbing the outside world.

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