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By Blackrose988


Alex's sweaty hands had trouble gripping the tiny computer chip. He looked at the metal walls that surrounded him, reflecting his own nervous face back at him. He jumped at the sound of a great, metal door opening.

"You say that the program is finished?" The low, silky voice came from beside Alex. How did he do that? Alex spun to face a tall, handsome man with a gleam of madness in his eye. Doctor Vortex. Alex had never seen him in person before, same as most of the recruits.

"Yes Doctor Vortex. It's all here on this chip." His hands shook as he put his hand out, palm up, with the chip lying on it.

"Good." The doctor's cold hands brushed Alex's as he picked up the chip. He stood, turning it over and over in his hand.

"What a wonder," he purred. "This tiny piece of plastic holds the key to my world domination." He looked up at Alex sharply.

"It better work, recruit." Alex shifted uncomfotably.

"It will," Alex reassured him.

"It better," Doctor Vortex repeated.

"You can go now."

"Yes sir!" Alex scurried out of the room, relief making his heart pound.

Doctor Vortex watched the recruit exit the room. They were all so small, so weak. He turned and swept the door open with a simple thought. As he briskly walked, he looked again at the chip in his hand, the closed his fist over it. This would be enough.

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