Chapter 12 : (Cameron)

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Chapter 12 : (Cameron)

By Emfaith

A groggy feeling held fast to Cameron's senses and he struggled to shake it off. Where was he? Realization hit like a tidal wave and he quickly sat up forcing the light headed feeling away. He looked around slowly, the whitewashed room striking his eyes as painfully bright.

Cameron stood up and crossed the room to feel along the walls. He found no grooves signaling a secret door and was disappointed when nothing happened. With an exasperated sigh, Cameron leaned against the wall, bracing himself with his fingers.

In a sudden rush, the wall fell away from his fingers and he fell into a separate room. Cameron pulled his leg away just before the wall returned, blocking him out of his original room.

"Not good. Not good," Cameron pulled his hands through his hair after sitting up.

"Cameron?" A voice groggy with sleep interrupted Cameron's words. The familiar sound sent his heart beating faster.

Cameron turned and allowed a smile to replace his worried expression, "Phil." Philippa was still laying on the strange table and her eyes were hazy with sleep. She still wore the same tight suit she was originally in.

Philippa sat up quickly and Cameron had to catch her before she slid off the slim area.

"Careful there," His words were playful, but his eyes gave away that he was worried.

"I'm fine." Back to her normal self again, Philippa pushed him away and stood up on her own. She held out her arms to steady herself, then looked at him with a satisfied expression.

Cameron turned back to the wall that had separated him and Phil and felt along it again. "How did I do that?"

He heard Phil step up beside him. "I woke up and there you were; on the ground."

"So it looked like magic to you, huh?"

"Clumsy magic at that."

Cameron allowed a brief chuckle from himself before growing serious again. "If I can just figure out how I did that," he murmured to himself and leaned against the wall the way he had before. Cameron grew still and waited.Nothing happened.

He looked at Phil and shrugged. Philippa watched him quietly, then moved closer. "I'm assuming you did this?" She grabbed his hands and pressed them against the wall behind him.

With the same quick motion the wall disappeared and Cameron was there on the ground again. The wall reappeared, nearly taking off his fingers. He was alone.


"Way ahead of you." Philippa stood behind him, clearly having made it into the next room before the wall reappeared.

A dumbfounded expression crossed his face, "Oh."

"So do you have a plan to, you know, get out of here?" Philippa watched him doubtfully.

Cameron's eyes scanned the blank room before returning to Philippa. "Nope."

He moved past her to feel along the wall again.

Phil interrupted him, "Stop doing that. It's pointless." She paused, eyes darting to the celing, then back to the floor. "How about this?" With graceful balance, Philippa stepped up onto the metal table and reached out her arms skyward, dragging her fingers along  a strange crack in the ceiling until they connected with a button. Part of the ceiling lifted to reveal an opening.


"Don't ask," Phil quited him, grabbed onto the edges of the newfound hole, pulled herself up and disappeared from his sight.


"The prisoners have found the escape hatch, sir." A nervous servant fidgeted in front of Doctor Vortex. They were all so weak, so afraid, and that's the way he wanted it.

"Excellent," Doctor Vortex rolled the word on his tongue and stared down at the young, skinny boy he had made one of his servants.

He watched as the boy contemplated what to say. "Excellent, sir?" His words were shaky and uncertain.

Doctor Vortex slammed his fist on the desk behind him, causing the boy to jump. "Do you think for one second that this could be excellent?" He shouted the words cruelly and leaned dangerously close to the servant who shook violently now.

"N-no, sir." The boy's eyes darted around the room, anywhere besides the merciless eyes of the doctor. Doctor Vortex grabbed the boy by the collar and sent him skidding towards the door.

"Get out!" He growled loudly. When the door shut behind the servant, Doctor Vortex allowed a wicked smile to grow on his face.

", humans are a lot smarter than I had anticipated. Perrrfect." Doctor Vortex rubbed his hands together and moved towards the exit.

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