Chapter 8: You Still Need Help...

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It has been three days after the park incident and things are finally starting to calm down.  Reid and Adam had to go to the police station to make statements. The sheriff said that they had been looking for that guy for the last three weeks now and none of them were able to catch him until Reid came along. They were so thankful that they offered to pay for Adam and Reid’s stay in Texas but they both refused flat saying that they didn’t need a reward for doing what the law required.

A: So what are we doing today?

S: Uh we need to go to Dr. Avery.

A: Why?

S: You be to be check out and evaluated.

A: Evaluated for what?

S: Uh to see how competent you are, to like go on.

A: So they think I’m still messed up?

S:  No, but it’s compulsory for someone who was put in a mental institute by the courts.

A: This will never be over. I will never be able to get past what I did all those months ago.

S: What she did, Adam.  You didn’t do anything you didn’t have control over what was happening.

A: I know but I’ll always be feeling guilty for what she did to all those men.

S: I’ll help you through it. I even told them that you’d only go if I could accompany you.

A: So you knew about the appointment?

S: Yes. They told me about it when we were leaving Jefferson.

A: And you just assumed I would do it without even consulting me?

S: It’s not as if you had a choice, the competency examination/ check has to be done. I had to agree or they’d keep you I there until the state sent over someone to examine you.

A: You still could have checked with me first before deciding. I’m tired of everyone thinking that they have an opinion in my life!

S: Ad… Adam. I’m not everyone I really care about you and this is the only way they will allow you to live out and around uh… uh… people.

A: So they’re afraid that I might find more men and rape and asphyxiate them?

S: No their not that’s why they let you go and Adam you need to stop blaming yourself for what Amanda did.

A: It doesn’t matter if it was me or not people still only see me so she’s home free, leaving me to deal with everything she did.

S: Adam I don’t think that’s the case here.

A: So now you’re defending her?

S: I’m not defending her I just want you to understand why I think that she didn’t leave you to deal with the aftermath of what she did.

A: Well now I am and frankly I don’t care what you think.

S: Okay I see that you’re angry and I don’t think that it is smart if we talk about this now. Why don’t we first go to Dr… (He was cut off)

A: Why don’t I go to Dr. Avery? You don’t need to come with me.

S: Actually I do. I’m sort of your legal guardian until they deem you fit.

A: … (He was cut off before he could start)

S: Adam, please listen to me. (He said running his hands through his hair) I really want to be there for you through all of this. Please don’t push me away.

A: Fine but you’re only coming along because I don’t know where the place is and because of the fact that you need to be there.

S: Okay thank you. Now let’s go get dressed our appointment is in half an hour.

A: (my appointment) Fine, I’ll go get dressed in the bathroom so you can have the room to yourself.

S: but why?

A: You yourself said that we needed to get ready.

S: Yes but…

A: But nothing. I won’t be long.

S: Okay.

And just like that Adam went off to their shared bedroom took his clothes and went into the joining bathroom.

A: I seriously don’t know what’s up with him, in the last four days we’ve been getting dressed together in the bedroom, we’ve been getting along better but now it just feels like he is pushing me away further and further. I cannot let this happen. I’ve worked too hard to get to where we are today or actually were this morning to let something as small as a doctor’s appointment get in between that. I guess I should go get ready I don’t want to piss him off further by making him wait for me while I get dressed.

A: You ready?

S: Almost. I just need to fix my hair first.

A: Your hair is in a constant messed up state and you want to fix it?

S: It’s not a messed up state, it is a style.

A: Oh and the name is Messed up Total style huh?

S: Maybe or maybe not. (He mumbled)

A: Stop mumbling and come on I don’t want to be late.

S: Someone’s had an attitude change. What happened to you in that bathroom?

A: Nothing, I just realized that I can’t keep pushing away the people who want to help me.

S: That’s good huh.

A: I’m sorry Spence. I didn’t mean to go off on you like that.

S: Believe me, I’m used to it. You have to grow a hard skin when you’re a cop.

A: So it does come in handy to have a uh …friend as cop.

S: A uh …friend?

A: I don’t know what we are yet.

S: Don’t worry we can talk about that later and yes my work does come in handy sometimes.

A: Okay. So can we go?

S: Let’s go. (He said holding out his hand for Adam to take, which he did)

They received a few odd glances from people for holding each other’s hand but they didn’t even notice it.

Let Me Help You- Criminal Minds: Reid and Adam JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now