Chapter 11: So I Guess We Have To Talk...

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A: So Mr. Reid how do you like your fries and chicken?

R: It’s good. (He said rather speedy)

A: What did you say?

R: Don’t be smug.

A: No, I just can’t believe that the great all might Spencer Reid, has actually accepted that he is wrong.

R: I never said that.

A: So?

R: Fine I’m admitting that I was wrong and that your food choice was better.

A: Thank you.

R: So?

A: You’re not going to drop it until I tell you about it won’t you?

R: I really want to help you and I can’t do that if I don’t know what’s going on.

A: Fine but it’s a long story so it’s best that you get comfortable.

R: Should we go sit on the bed?

A: If you’re comfortable then why not?


R: You know I don’t want to force you into telling me. I wouldn’t want you to think that I’m trying to force you because really that isn’t what I want to do.

A: No I get it. Plus I have to talk about it otherwise I’ll be going back to Jefferson’s and I really don’t want to do that.

R: Don’t worry I won’t allow that to happen.

A: Thanks you. Now uh I don’t even know what we’re supposed to be talking about.

R: That’s the beauty of it we can talk about anything.

A: I just can’t shake the feeling that I am responsible for Amanda’s actions.

R: It’s sort of normal.

A: But hhhhhh. (He huffed)

R: Adam talk to me.

A: Spence I feel like all those men she killed was my fault, I mean if I wasn’t such a sissy when it came to my dad all those years ago then none of this would have happened.

R: Adam, don’t do that. (He said taking a hold of Adam’s hands) You did what any scared person would do, you tried to find a way to protect yourself and that way was by creating Amanda.

A: But I’m just so fed up with living under the murderer Amanda’s shadow. I mean she hasn’t done one good thing for me and now everywhere I go I am constantly haunted by what she did.

R: Adam, she didn’t only do bad things she also did a few good things especially for you.

A: What!

R: It’s true. I know she’s a criminal but she isn’t all that bad you know.

A: I can’t believe YOU of all people are here sitting here holding my hands and defending her. I thought you cared about me but I was clearly mistaken! Let go of my hands.

R: No! Adam you don’t understand what I’m trying to say.

A: And what is that huh? You are supposed to be on my side. Is this why you wanted to talk about this at Dr. Avery’s office so that you could have someone else there to tell me how perfect Amanda is.

R: Adam you know that’s not what I’m trying to say.

A: Then what are you trying to say because from my point of view it kind of looks like you’d prefer having her here over me.

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