here it is.. the first chapter

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"Noya-sempai, give me the marker.."

"Hinata, stop."

"Noya, give me the marker."

"Daichi don't!"

"shhh! Suga, you'll wake him!"



The bus pulls to a stop and the group runs off the bus, Kageyama last to get off. He rubbed his eyes, groaned and stretched. Tsuki teased Kageyama relentlessly, half-asleep Kageyama argued back while Noya, Tanaka and Hinata could barely contain their laughter. 

Kageyama reached for his bag on the ground and grumbled 'idiots' under his breath, standing back up, he noticed in the reflection of the bus window the reason behind the pointless laughter. His face.

"HINNNAATAA" of course. Hinata jumped and looked at the sudden Kageyama that has appeared. As soon as he saw him is laughter came back, he tried his best to hold it in. Nope. Kageyama grabbed him by the coat and shook him, yelling as the rest of the team died of laughter. An average day for the Karasuno team.

The day was dull. The sky was cloudy and looked ready to rain any second. The strong wind blew back and forth as the team walked to their hotel.

"WHOOOAA!!" Noya and Hinata both ran into the large room, Tanaka soon after.

"LOOOOK!!" Hinata started jumping on the beds joined by Noya.

"Oui! Get off my bed Dumbass Hinata!" Kageyama processed to pull him off the bed and onto the floor.

"AWAA! Noya, g-get off the bed! Kageyama! What are-" Asahi walked into the room followed by Suga and Daichi, going over the plan for the weekend.



When Suga and Daichi looked up, they weren't surprised to see the mess that was. Tsuki and Yamaguchi stood there next to them, seemingly the only sane ones there at the moment.

Once sleeping arrangements were made, dinner was the main concern. The group change out of their practice wear and into their street wear and headed back down stairs.

Once outside and walking down the road, the group began to break up into smaller groups. Asahi, Noya, and Tanaka went off on the search for the reason they were out anyway, food. Daichi and Suga decided to check out the city a bit, and Yama, Tsuki, Kageyama and Hinata were left to do their own thing. Not a great idea on their part.

Roaming almost aimlessly, the group found themselves at a small but bright restaurant.

"Do you guys want to stop here?" Kageyama asked.

"What? With you? No." Tsuki turned around and Yama followed, waving goodbye back and apologizing for Tsukishima. Kageyama fumed and Hinata laughed as Kageyama walked into the restaurant. Hinata, unable to go anywhere else, followed.

there ?? 

I will continue this if you care.

 I'll update everyday, if not every other day, so don't fret.

!! tell me what you think !!


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