wowie chapter six (pt. 1 heuheuheu)

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for some reason this chapter was really hard to write and ?? ? I was lost a few times trying to make it the way I wanted it. Writing is hard, I hope you appreciate this story bc I dunno what I'm doing. Anyway, enjoy !! ୧(✿ ͡◕౪◕͡ )୨ 

They attempted pointless conversation as they took their walk. Kageyama kept glancing around, avoiding Hinata's glances at him. Hinata pouted when he realized what he was doing, so he started doing the same. Even without eye contact, they managed to have a conversation. One they could laugh about and keep going.

They soon found themselves at the park. Hinata and Kageyama looked at each other for the first time all evening and both had the same idea. As soon as their gazes faded, they both bolted to the swing set. The most desirable swing was with one farthest to the left, away from the park, but under a large tree. Perfect shade. They ran for it. As fast as they could manage. Hinata's speed was an advantage, but Kageyama's longer limbs helped him catch up. They both reached for the swing, each grabbing a chain.

"Okay, I got here first, this swings mine." Kageyama pulled the chain towards him but Hinata refused.

"Kageyama, I beat you here, give me the swing." Hinata glared and pulled the swing in his direction.



"LET GO." they both yelled and pulled back and forth on the swing, neither letting go.

"I want this swing, there are many others you can choose from."

"But I want this oneeee." Kageyama rolled his eyes. He still held the swing and thought for a second. Hinata saw his chance and took it. He sat on the swing quickly and kageyama glared at him with envy and anger.

"You stupid dumbass, this is MY swing." Kageyama pulled on Hinata's arm lightly, wanting him to move off the swing.

"Nope!! I sat in it, now it's mine." Kageyama let go of the swing and Hinata's arm and plopped sadly on the swing next to him.

"You're such a baby, Kageyama."

"I am not!" Kageyama grabbed the chains of his swing and stepped back, preparing to swing. Hinata copied his motions and stepped back. Kageyama saw and released his legs so he could swing before Hinata.

"How rude Kageyama."

"Ooh I'm sorry, Hinata." Kageyama's sarcastic voice rang in Hinata's ears and he scrunched his nose. He pumped his legs more to try and catch up with Kageyama. ((anyone who has tried this knows there is DEFINITELY a struggle)) Kageyama let out a small laugh and kept up his pace. Hinata watched Kageyama smile, Kageyama I swear to god. Hinata continued his attempted until he reached Kageyama's height, but not speed.

"UGH." Hinata stopped kicking his feet and just swung. Kageyama put his foot against the ground to slow the swinging until he came to a stop.

"Having fun yet, Hinata?" Hinata looked down at Kageyama.

"Yeaaah I guess." Kageyama grabbed Hinata's swing once it was low enough. That didn't sound very believable.. Kageyama panicked on the inside that he might be boring Hinata ohgod waht do I do.. Hinata squinted at him, noticing his expression changed. Kageyama looked back at Hinata's scrunched face and squinted back. Now what is he doing? Hinata laughed and nearly fell of the swing. Kageyama glared but smiled regardless. Hinata climbed of the swing, wiping laughing tears from his face and placed his hands on his hips, facing Kageyama. Kageyama sat down on Hinata's swing, looking at Hinata.

"Hmm.. what do you want to do now Kageyama. I'm bored." Hinata picked up his bag. Kageyama stood up and thought again.

"Volleyball?!?" Hinata's eyes looked at Kageyama, sparkling and excited. How could Kageyama say no? An excited smile stretched across Kageyama's face ((no not the serial killer smile)).

"I expected nothing else from you." Hinata dropped his bag and pulled out the volleyball he had pack. He sat his bag near the swing set and ran to the cement that was near.

"KAGEYAMA SERVE IT TO ME" Hinata tossed Kageyama, whom gladly caught the ball. The ball felt new, he missed the feeling of holding a volleyball. Even if it's technically only been a day. Hinata stood around 6 feet away ready for his serve. Kageyama held the ball looking over at Hinata with his hands put together and determination in his eyes. Kageyama served it towards Hinata and he promptly jumped towards it, bumping the ball with his fore arm. Kageyama caught the ball again, surprise at the improvement Hinata made.

"WAAAA! Kageyama, do it again!" Hinata got back into the receiving position and awaited the volleyball. Kageyama had no argument against this, and continued to serve it to him.

After an hour of back and forth passing, serving, and setting, Kageyama felt finally tired. He caught the ball and rested it on he hip.

"Hinata, let's take a break."

"One more time, Kageyama! Pleeeasseee!" Hinata got into receiving position.

"I'm tired, I don't wan-" Hinata ran to Kageyama and grabbed the ball, holding it against Kageyama's chest.

"Pleeeaasseeee, just once mooorrre, Kageyama." Kageyama felt slight blush creep up on his face seeing Hinata so close.

"Ugh, once more. But after this we're taking a break." Hinata cheered as he ran back to his spot and positioned himself for Kageyama's pass. Kageyama calmed down and threw the ball. Hinata, once again, made a nice receive.

"AAAWAA! Thanks Kageyama!!" Hinata ran over and picked up the ball, smiling that big bright smile of his. Kageyama smiled too and began to walk over back to the swings with Hinata. Hinata picked up his bag and put the volleyball inside. He put the bag on and stretched.

"Wasn't that fun, Kageyama?"

"Yeah, it was."

"What do you want to do now?"

"... I don't know, What do you want to do?"

"We're not that far. Do you want to come over to my house, Kageyama?" Kageyama looked surprised, but nodded,

"Yeah, let's go."


ok pt. one is complete ヽ(^。^)丿

pt. two will be up tomorrow. 

do you guys like, or no ? (੭ु '͈꒳​'͈)੭ु⁾⁾


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