okie chapter eight

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so um

here you go

Kageyama sat down on the couch ((for once)) and stared blankly ahead. Hinata felt nervous. He confessed first, so why do I feel so embarrassed? Hinata waved his hand in front of Kageyama's face. Kageyama looked up with surprise.

"Are you okay, Kageyama." Hinata sat down next to him on the couch, but they still had space between them. I'm great. Wonderful. Happy. Kageyama thought but all he could say was

"I'm fine."

"Kageyama, do you actually like me? Or is this a trick?" Kageyama whipped his head around and Hinata jumped at the sudden movement.

"Yes, I do."

"Then why are you acting.. Strange."

"I'm not acting strange." Kageyama narrowed his eyes at Hinata. Hinata huffed.

"Yes. you are."

"I just didn't think you liked me back. That's all." Kageyama put his head in his hands and sighed.

"This is really awkward." Hinata laughed and leaned back on the couch.

"It's okay, Kageyama. I'm sure this isn't your first relationship."Kageyama's ears turned red but he didn't move. It was his first relationship. Wait, relationship? Kageyama sat up, face still red, and looked at Hinata.

"A-are we in a relationship?" Hinata widened his eyes and realized he had said that.

"Well, I mean, that's what you wanted right?" Hinata smiled warmly. Kageyama felt more butterflies in his stomach when Hinata smiled.

"Yeah. We're dating then?"

"Duh." Hinata hit kageyama in the shoulder for being clueless. Kageyama felt the irresistible urge to smile, at this act, it was playful and not because Hinata was mad at him.

"Good." Kageyama smiled and sat back on the couch. Kageyama felt a large amount of weight lifted off his shoulders, he was happy he told Hinata, but even happier Hinata liked him all this time too. What were the odds? Kageyama looked over at Hinata. So this is my dumbass now... Kageyama thought about what could lie ahead for them. He was sure the team could have figured this out, they seem to know everything, not to mention they had their own suspicions about the two of them.

Hinata sat back on the couch too and thought about this relationship thing. He had liked Kageyama since he found out they'd be attending the same school. He had no idea The King of The Court was going to be his boyfriend. This was the same boy that yelled at him and called him stupid. The same Kageyama that had way too short of a temper and way too many perfectionist antics. What was the reason Hinata liked him in the first place? He just looked up to Kageyama so much. Kageyama even pushed him to improve. Hinata smiled and folded his arms. Hinata sat up a little and looked over to Kageyama.

"..does this mean I can call you Yama-yama and not get yelled at?" Hinata smiled and laughed at the thought.

"NO. Don't call me that." Kageyama sat up straight and glared at Hinata, he then softened his expression seeing him laugh and sighed. This was his dumbass now.

oh god extremely short but important but short 

I'm sorry for late updates, it's being set back to updating on the weekends because of school. Like tests and stuff. Gross.

Sorry D:

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