chapter tennn

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 Natsu woke up, pulling the damp rag off her forehead. She sat up slowly and stretched out her arms, sighing. Hm. where did big brother go? She stood up, feeling better than before and began to make her way out of the room. She ran down the hallway and ran around the couch. Kageyama jumped when suddenly seeing Hinata's little sister running around, obviously feeling better.

He put his finger to his mouth and made a quiet shushing noise. Natsu looked down and saw her big brother, fast asleep in Kageyama's lap. She nodded and placed her finger over her mouth, smiling. She walked over to Kageyama, putting her head in her folded arms on the armrest of the couch.

"Kageyama.. Do you want to hear a secret?" Natsu whispered. Kageyama, reluctantly nodded leaning towards Natsu.

"What's the secret?"

"Hinata like you, Kageyama." Kageyama smiled.

"Really?" Natsu nodded covering her mouth and smiling more.

"How do you know, hm?" Kageyama whispered, playing dumb. Natsu uncovered her mouth and cupped her hands and whispered.

"Sometimes big brother will talk about you. And say stuff like, 'remember Kageyama? Isn't he a nice..' or or 'Kageyama has pretty eyes', he said that Kageyama." Kageyama chuckled but couldn't contain his blushing self.

"He talks about me?" Natsu nodded again.

"He likes to talk about you. And volleyball." Natsu ran around the couch and crouched in front of Hinata.

"Do you like him Kageyama?" Natsu motioned to Hinata and poked his forehead. Kageyama looked down at Natsu and nodded.

"Yeeeaah, I like him." Natsu gasped and stood up.

"You should take big brother on a date! It should be romanic and you should give him fwowers and give him a cute nickname. I call him dumby sometimes. But don't call him that Kageyama, that's not romanic." Kageyama chuckled and patted Natsu on the head. She smiled and sat on the other side of the couch. He talks about me to her huh.. Kageyama looked back down at Hinata and Hinata looked back up at him,covering his mouth and face flushed.

"Ah, good morning Kageyama.." Hinata sat up and got up off the couch, leaving Kageyama and Natsu on the couch as he began to walk out of the living room.

"Excuse me." Natsu looked over that back of the couch, watching Hinata leave to his room.

"Big Brother's awake Kageyama!" Natsu looked over to Kageyama, who was already up heading towards the bedroom.

Hinata walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. He uncovered his mouth and rubbed his head. I can't believe she said all of that to him.. This is so embarrassing I'm- His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. He skipped to the door as fast has he could, putting his back against the door.

"H-hello?" Hinata said, knowing it was Kageyama.

"Can I come in?"

"Uhm," Hinata looked around until he ran around, hiding under the covers.

"Okay, come in now." Kageyama opened the door looking around for his baby carrot. Seeing no one else in the room he frowned.

"Oi, Hinata. Where are you?" Kageyama wandered further into the room. He was sure Hinata was in here. He looked down at the bed. Oh of course.. Kageyama picked up a pillow from the side of the bed and hit the lump that was in the center of the bed.

"OW." Hinata rubbed his head under the covers and shuffled around. Kageyama sighed.

"Are you embarrassed?" Hinata looked at Kageyama through an opening in the blanket.

"Not really.." He crawled back under the blanket, Kageyama rolled his eyes and hit the lump again. Hinata flinched and rolled over to the edge of the bed closest to the wall.

"I thought it was cute." Kageyama sat on the bed crossed legged, facing Hinata and hugging the pillow. Hinata flung the covers off of him, facing Kageyama.

"IT WAS NOT. IF ANYTHING IS WAS FAR FROM CUTE. IT WAS EMBARRASSING AND I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE SAID SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I'M SO-" Kageyama hit Hinata with the pillow again. Hinata huffed and grabbed the pillow, hugging it himself.

"Well, I thought it was cute. I didn't know you even talked about me outside of club." Kageyama smirked at the thought that Hinata actually like him. What a day. Hinata huffed again into the pillow.

"Well duh." Kageyama stared at Hinata, who was still hugging the pillow. His face was still a bit pink, and he continued to stare at his lap.

"I'm sorry." The words came out of Kageyama's mouth before he could even think about it. Hinata looked up.

"For what?"

"..I don't know. Sorry that I embarrassed you?" Kageyama felt the blush flush his face for saying something like that out of the blue. Hinata giggled, sitting up a bit more.

"It wasn't you Kageyama, don't worry." Hinata stopped hugging the pillow and put it aside. Kageyama was about to respond when there was a soft knock at the door, followed by Nastu entering the room and crawling on the bed in between the two boys.

"Whatcha talkin about?" Natsu asked, glancing between Hinata and Kageyama. Hinata smiled and then looked up at Kageyama. Natsu looked up at Kageyama and smiled at him too. She then motioned for Kageyama to come closer as she cupped her hands over her mouth. Kageyama, confused for a moment, leaned in.

"You should kiss Hinata, Kageyama" She whispered. Kageyama pulled his head back, feeling silly. He wasn't going to listen to a grade schooler about kissing. Natsu giggled and covered her mouth glancing at Hinata. Hinata sat confused, looking between the two of them.

"What is it?" Hinata asked Kageyama with a nervous smile.

"Ah nothing." Kageyama patted Natsu's head, as he does often and smiled. Natsu huffed and then grinned. She leaned over to Hinata and cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered to Hinata.

"You should kiss Kageyama. Okay? Pleeeaasssee.." Natsu sat back down and grabbed the pillow, hugging and giggling into it. Hinata's eyes narrowed at Natsu. There was no way he was going to make the first move. He made a promise to make Kageyama make the first move.

Natsu stopped giggling had another idea. She got up and walked to the door.

"Welp.. I'll be goin now.. Byeeee..." Natsu covered her mouth again as she giggled grabbing the door handle and shutting the door. Hinata and Kageyama looked at each other and began to laugh. Hinata moved the hair out of his face as he recollected himself and looked back at Kageyama. Kageyama still had dull smile on his face. Hinata smiled back. Kageyama continued to steal glances at Hinata's pale pink lips. Maybe taking advice from a grade schooler once in awhile won't be so bad.. Kageyama ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. Hinata looked up and squinted. Kageyama backed in surprised.

"Kageyama I-" Hinata was cut off by Kageyama leaning in a bit and gently grabbing the sides of his face. His eyes widened a bit and he blushed, a bit unsure of what was going on. Kageyama glared down at Hinata. He doesn't have to look so scared sheesh.. Kageyama felt the butterflies in his chest grow and his heart thumped fast. He leaned in a bit more, closing the gap between them and connecting their lips. Hinata didn't react at first, leaving Kageyama worried. Realizing what was happening, Hinata didn't think before kissing back. Kageyama felt relief leave his body as he deepened the kiss, Pulling Hinata closer. Hinata was the first to pull away. Kageyama let go of Hinata's face and placed his hands in his own lap, realizing he was closer to Hinata that he had thought. Hinata saw Kageyama's state and giggled.

"U-uhm.. That. that was nice." Hinata smiled brightly. Kageyama looked up, even more relieved to see Hinata even liked the kiss. He smiled and reached over, holding Hinata's face again. Hinata leaned in and kissed Kageyama before he could think twice. 


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