ohno chapter seven

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late chapter but ok (o0o)/

Hinata opened his eyes to the bright sun. He groaned and rolled over. As he pulls on the blanket to cover his head with, it gets caught. Without paying much attention, Hinata tugs on it until he hears a groan from next to him. Opening his eyes wider he remembers that Kageyama spent the night. He nearly fell out of bed seeing Kageyama so close. Kageyama just scrunched his nose and stayed asleep. Hinata sighs a sigh relief and crawls out of bed. He tiptoes out of the room, shutting the door to allow Kageyama to sleep.

Hinata rubbed his eyes walking into the kitchen. He yawned and stretched, sluggishly walking to the refrigerator. He grabbed the carton of milk and sat it down on the table. Hinata wanted cereal. He opened the cupboard over the counter and looked inside, when he say no cereal he felt himself grow impatient. As he went to close the cupboard he noticed the bright coloured box up on the top shelf. Wha- who the hell put it up there? Hinata scrunched his nose and attempted to jump for the box. Upon failure, he then tried to climb the counter.

Kageyama rolled over to the count of loud thumping he put the pillow over his head. Kageyama then threw the pillow off his face realizing it was Hinata's. He remember that he had stayed the night, and he remembered he had a mission today. Climbing out of bed, eagerly he felt butterflies grow in his chest. He opened the door and found where the thumping was coming from.Hinata jumped one more time before giving up. He then hoisted himself up on the counter, trying to climb it. Kageyama laughed to himself seeing Hinata struggle like that. He walked over to Hinata.

"What are you trying to grab?"

"I can get it, don't worry." Hinata did one final reach before grabbing the box, nearly falling off the counter.

"I got it!" He jumped off the counter and walked to the table with the milk and bowl. Kageyama sat at the table, watching Hinata. Hinata looked up from pouring the milk and saw Kageyama staring.

"Do you want cereal too, Kageyama?"

"Oh, sure." Hinata grabbed another bowl from the cupboard and began to pour cereal into it. Kageyama composed himself, ready to tell Hinata, he promised he would right away, and already it's being pushed back. Hinata nearly threw the spoon at Kageyama for zoning out on him.

"Still tired?" Hinata asked sitting down and taking a bite of cereal. Kageyama nodded and picked up the spoon, taking a bite of cereal as well. He glared at the cereal. Stupid cereal, getting in the way.

Hinata picked up the bowls now empty bowls and placed them in the sink, promising to clean them later. He sat back down and sighed.

"Natsu should be back in a little bit." Hinata looked at the clock and sighed again. Kageyama knew that if Natsu came home, he would either have no time to tell Hinata, or he would have to leave. Kageyama clenched his fists under the table and thought of ways to tell Hinata. He could just come right out and say it. He felt second hand embarrassment even thinking about doing something cheesey. He look up at Hinata, Hinata rested his head on this hand with eyes closed.


"Hm?" Hinata kept his eyes closed and Kageyama thought it was easier this way.

"Do you like anyone?"

"Why would you ask that?" Hinata opened his eyes and looked at Kageyama.

"I just wanted to know. Do you?"

"I think so." Hinata looked down a bit at the table and Kageyama felt his heart drop a bit.

"What do you mean, 'think so'?" Kageyama could feel his heart beat faster. He could feel the rejection coming.

"well , I like them? But I don't know if they like me." Hinata looked up at Kageyama.

"Does that even make sense?" Hinata laughed a bit.

"Yeah, I can relate." Kageyama said with a small, forced laugh.

"Kageyama, who is it you like?" Hinata leaned over the table, eager to hear an answer. Kageyama backed up a bit and felt a blush creep up on his face.

"Fine don't tell me." Hinata sat back down and folded his arms. Kageyama felt like this was a good time to speak up.

"They're short."


"The person I like, They're short." Kageyama looked at Hinata. Hinata thought about every short girl they knew."

"Why do I have to guess them?? Just tell me Kageyama." Kageyama sighed.

"They're kind of loud. A bit annoying sometimes." Hinata rubbed his head thinking of girls that matched that description.

"Hmm.. They have a.. really bright and cute smile too." Kageyama felt himself blush and he turned in his chair.

"KAGEYAMAAAA.. Who is it?? I can't think of anyone!" Kageyama faced Hinata again. Hinata leaned over the table and grabbed Kageyama's face.

"PLEASE TELL ME. I'M GOING TO DIE OF ANTICIPATION." Hinata pleaded. Kageyama wiggled out of Hinata's hands and glared.

"They have stupid hair too." Hinata, completely oblivious, thought again.

"For the love of-"

"OH." Hinata sat back down in his chair.

"Wait.. Romanticly?" Kageyama looked up at Hinata, realizing he finally got it. He felt a blush creep up again.

"Obviously, idiot." Hinata felt his face grow warm.

"O-oh, okay."

"What does that me-"

"Me too." Hinata blurted out, looking everywhere but Kageyama. Kageyama's eyes grew and Looked at Hinata.

"Seriously." Kageyama's face showed nothing sort of dead serious.

"Yeah, seriously." Hinata laughed nervously. Kageyama stood up and walked of the kitchen. Hinata followed.

short chapter but ok (o0o)/

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