chapter eleven boi

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Hinata walked Natsu to her friends house. She was going to be staying there for the day because Kageyama and Hinata had rescheduled that date they had planned. Natsu skipped along, holding each ends of her light yellow dress, happy that the two could finally go on that date.

"Is it goin to be romanic?" Natsu looked up and smiled at her big brother and Hinata laughed.

"Yes Natsu, it will be very romanic." Natsu giggled and swung her hand with Hinata's as they neared their destination. A little girl, around Natsu's age. Came running down the path way greeting Natsu as she ran too.

"HINATAA!" the unnamed girl cheered. Hinata smiled at the two girls jumping up and down.

"RIN, YOU CAN CALL ME NATSU!!" Natsu giggled and 'Rin' nodded, smiling.

"Aaa! I forgot!" they both continued to giggled and Hinata folded his arms. Natsu turned around and ran to Hinata, hugging him tightly.

"Have fun with Kageyama-kun, okay!" Hinata hugged her back a smiled down at her.

"Yeah, I will." Natsu let go and ran to the door with Rin. She turned around and waved goodbye to her big brother before shutting the door.

Hinata sighed and turned around, walking back home to prepare for the long awaited date with Kageyama. Hinata pulled out his phone at checked the time, 4:30pm.

"What?" the date was at 5pm.

"It's later than I thought." He mumbled to himself as he picked up the pace, he wanted to make it home to at least change. He was still in his pajamas- (aka his volleyball practice clothes.)

Once home Hinata fell onto his bed and groaned. So far, this summer break has had so much going on. He rolled over and stared at the ceiling, knowing he would have to get up soon to prepare. He looked over to the clock resting on his nightstand to read the time of 4:46pm. He stood up walking over to his dresser and pulling a dror open.

-time skip because lazy sorry-

Kageyama walked around the corner, heading down the street of Hinata's house. He had his headphones on, drowning out most of the world. But he could barely hear his music, all he could think about was today. Before , the date was cancelled. Who knows what would have happened on that date. He hadn't thought it through at all. This time though, he had the extra time to think and rethink about everything he could manage to make this date perfect. Kageyama was sure he had everything all sorted out. He dug his hands deeper into his pockets and smiled down at the ground. He looked up and saw a familiar orange mess. Hinata stood at the end of the walkway, swaying back and forward and facing the opposite way. Kageyama quietly picked up his pace hoping to meet him before he turned. Once just inches away Kageyama pulled off his headphones and put them around his neck. He waited for Hinata to turn towards him, and just as he did, Kageyama poked at both of Hinata's sides and yelled 'BOO'. Hinata jump nearly out of his skin as he stepped back and screamed.

"K-Kageyama?! Don't do that!!" But Kageyama could barely hear over himself doubled over laughing.

"Oh god, I-I'm so.. I'm sorry Hina-ta.." Kageyama stood up still laughing, replaying the scene. Hinata puffed out his cheeks and folded his arms.

"S'not funny." Kageyama gave a sympathetic look. He sighed and took a step forward, putting both hands on Hinata's shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd scare you that bad."

"Well you did.. But I forgive you.." Kageyama smiled and stood up straight again.

"Are you ready to go?" Completely forgetting what had just happened, Hinata nodded excitedly walked with Kageyama down the rest of the block.

"Sure. Why Not?" {kagehina}Where stories live. Discover now