…I didn’t want to say anything. Especially not to Vanille.
“…No.” I said, as Vanille pouted.
“Oh, come on! Name the one person you like! I know you do!” She said, as I sighed.
“Vanille, you’re not getting it out of me…”
“Come on, I wanna know! And I’m not letting you sleep or do anything until I get it!” She warned, as I rolled my eyes.
“Vanille, you’re not gotta get it. No.” She pouted.
“…I will start spouting out the names of friends until I evoke some sort of response.” She said, as I rolled my eyes.
“…Zidane. Zexion. Genesis. Marluxia. Riku.” I blinked, looking at her confused.
“Sora. Axel. Vanitas. Ventus.” I was confused at what she was doing.
“Noctis! Warrior of Light! Reno! Seifer! Rufus!” She said, shouting names, causing me to look over at Fangs room.
“You’ll wake her up, shh!”
“Okay! It’s Roxas, just don’t wake up Fang, jeez!” I told her, as she smiled.
“…I knew I’d get it~ I used the same trick on Roxas~” She admitted, causing me to glare and growl. She smiled, crossing her arms.
“So…Roxas, huh?” I sighed, shoving her slightly.
“Shut up…” She giggled, then shook her head.
“Relax…I’m glad you like Roxas. He’s a good guy~” She said, before looking like she was thinking about something.
“Then again, he does have a temper on him…” I sighed.
“He should…” I muttered, as Vanille looked at me weirdly.
“…You think it’s right for him to have a temper…?” She asked, as I shook my head, realizing that I made no sense when I said that. After all, I was the only one that knew about the video games, aside from Riku, and after what happened to him, he deserves to be angry. Besides, everyone seemed to have a secret in this town. His might be related to this temper of his he has, quite possibly. I shrugged.
“I mean…I dunno much about him…but maybe he has a right to be angry. I mean, he’s dubbed a loser already, right? Plus, he’s best friends with a guy who keeps secrets of everyone, including himself. Plus, from what I’ve seen, you guys never give him a break…! And, he lives in a house with what I’m guessing is 3 other boys and two parents, maybe. Plus, he probably has to deal with Sora’s driving. And, well…I guess he deserves to be just a little mad.” I muttered, as Vanille nodded. She chuckled, smiling at me.
“Well, anyway, why don’t you get some sleep…we’re going shopping tomorrow and I’m making sure you have an awesome outfit for the party!” She said, as I laughed, shaking my head.
“Alright…night, Vanille.” I said, walking away to do just that and sleep my head off.
During lunch, I ended up sitting next to Roxas, who looked at me.
“I see you’re starting to remember where the table is.” I smiled.
“Not that far away, and always by the trashcan. Not very hard to forget.” He let out a laugh.
“Good point. So, what’s up? Going to the party, right?” I nodded.
“Aren’t you, too?” He shook his head, sighing irritably.