Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

My day had been off to a great start except for the Keira incedent. Cat had started to talk to me a little more and I could tell she was slowly accepting the fact that she now has a friend.

I don't understand how she didn't have friends before. She's so pretty and nice.

We were currently in our fourth period which was right before lunch. Everybody was ready to get out of class and eat. I'm planning on sitting with cat today no matter what it takes.

Since cat is sitting beside me I lean over and whisper "hey do you want to sit together at lunch?" I know it seems like something a little kid would do but around her I'm so nervous, it's like I've never talked to a girl before. I feel like my cousin marcel. I shudder at the thought. Poor kid never has a chance with any girls. People say we look a lot alike, just he looks more nerdy.

Anyways back to cat. She looks over at me confused and then slowly nods her head. I give her a small smile and do a little happy dance in my head. Yes I'm weird I know.

The bell rings signalling that class is over. I look over at cat and say "you ready?' And she says "as I'll ever be" we both laugh and began walking toward the cafeteria.

"Should we get our food then find a table or vice versa?" I ask. "Well actually I'm not eating. I'm not really feeling it" she says hesitantly. "Are you sure? I can get you something if you'd like?" I reply. She just shakes her head and says "no go ahead and get your food. I'll find us a table"

I don't want to do it but she seems like she wants to win this argument so I'm not even gonna try. I walk to the lunch line where I see my best friend josh. He's with his girl of the week. I remember when I used to be like that, a new girl every week. I quit when I realized how many people I was hurting. Unfortunately josh still hasn't come to the realalization.

I get my food and start looking for cat. I find her sitting at a table by herself. As I'm making my way over there I notice someone else is walking over there as well.

Just great. It's Keira. The last person I wanted it to be. She gets to cat before I do and I can tell by the way cats flinching Keira is up to her usual tricks. Well now that I'm around I'm not going to put up with that.

I march straight over there and say "what the hell do you think you're doing? I told to stay away!" Keira and cat both turn to look at me in shock. "Did I stutter?" I say louder this time. Keira tries to act brave and rolls her eyes as she walks away but I know in reality she's scared shitless.

I sit down next to cat and she's still in shock. "Cat listen. Now that I'm your friend I'm not gonna let people walk all over you. I'm gonna stick with you and stick up for you. Got it?" I say confidently. She nods and then she starts picking fries off my plate to eat.

"I thought you weren't in the mood to eat?" I say jokingly. She blushes and then says "other people's food always looks more appetizing". We both laugh and cut up for the rest of lunch. I have a feeling things are going to be great between me and cat.

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