Chapter 14

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Cat's POV

The rest of the ride over to the kindergarten was filled with mindless chatter between Harry and I. I will never understand why Harry has been so nice to me but I guess I won't question it. We pulled into the parking lot and quickly made our way to the entrance of the brick building. The woman at the receptionists desk nodded to us to signal that we were allowed in. Guess she must have recognized either of us.

The play room was filled with screaming kids. It was hard to find Gemma and Jen amougnst the chaos but soon enough I felt small arms wrap around my legs, guiding my gaze down, I was met with the small smile from my little sister. A shy Gemma stood next to her, swaying back and forth on her feet.

"Hi Jen, how was your day love?" I asked as I picked her up. She imediatly wrapped her small arms around my neck. I felt her nod against my shoulder which showed me that she was tired. I bent down a bit so I was eye level with Gemma. " And how was your day sweetheart?" She smiled at me but then turned and hid behind Harry's legs. Guess she still hasn't warmed up to me.

"Ready to go?" Harry questioned as he held is hand out. I was confused by the gesture and right when I was about to take his hand, Gemma grabbed it. So I guess he was holding his hand out for her and not for me. That was embarrassing. I felt my cheeks burn a dark shade of red. I nodded behind my hair so that he couldn't see the embarrassment that was clearly displayed across my face.

We made our way back to the car and Harry and I placed our little sisters in the back seat. Since Gemma was smaller than Jen was I noticed that she had to be placed into a car seat. I thought that was adorable. I walked around to the passenger side of the car and hopped in. Harry took his place behind the wheel and started the car.

"Jen sweetie, I think we are going to  be staying at Harry's house tonight cause we are locked out of the apartment momentarily," I turned my head around so I could see her face and couldn't help but smile at the huge grin plastered across her face.

" Does this mean that Gemma and I get to have a sleepover?" Hope filled her eyes as she glanced over to the sleeping girl in the car seat then back at me.

"Yes but you actually have to get some sleep tonight. We can't have you falling asleep at school now can we?" Harry questioned as he glanced in the mirror, locking eyes with Jen.

She nodded, "We'll sleep!" She chirpped. "Don't worry you can trust me." Harry chuckled at the small girl.

"That's what I want to hear!' I laughed at Harry's enthusiam. I could tell that he was good with kids and that warmed my heart.

After a few minutes of driving, we pulled up to another small apartment complex which i assumed was where Harry lived. Duh stupid of course it was. We both got out of the car and carried the sleeping girls into the building and toward the elevator. Once we got to the third floor, the elevator stopped and let us out.

We walked down the hall way until we reacted a door that read 201. Harry struggled to get the keys out of his pocket seeing that Gemma was still resting in his arms.

" I... uh hate to ask this but... Can you?" His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink or at least I thought I saw them. I placed Jen into Harry's empty right arm and reached into his back pocket. It made things even more awkward when he decided to intensly stare at me whilst I was retrieving the keys, and of course his pants were nice and tight so what I'm saying is that it wasn't an easy task.

As soon as I fished them out I handed them to Harry. We were still very close to eacother as we just starred into eachothers' eyes. I starred in awe at his green eyes. I couldn't understand how someone's eyes could be such an intense color. Before anything else could happen, the door to Harry's place swung open revealing a woman with similar facial features to Harry. Also known as his mom. Well this was awkward. Harry handed Jen back to me as he turned to his mother.

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