Chapter 23

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Cat's POV

I debated whether or not I should go and say something to him. I was rude to him when he was only trying to help, I won't deny that. I just hate getting close to people because somehow in some way, the universe always seems to pull them from my life in some way shape or form. And I didn't need that, I couldn't take that. so pushing people away until they were forced to leave before I could care was my defense.

Much sound was made downstairs and in fear that the girls were getting themselves into trouble worried me. After Harry had left the room Gemma and Jen insisted that I let them go get ready for school... By themselves. I being foolish allowed that.

The warmth of the girls' bedroom left me while my feet carried my tired body down stairs.

Anne, Harry's mum, was up. Baking something on the stove top. The smell of pancake batter gave me a hint to what it could be.

"Oh good morning dear! I'm just making these little trouble makers some pancakes and then I'll take them to school for you." Anne turned to the sink and put the dirty pan into it before turning back to me.

"You sure? I can always take them I should get going anyway," I turned and looked at the clock on the stove. 10:00.

"Oh hush and get your rest," she grabbed a coat off the coat hanger and clapped her hands. The girls came rushing toward her. "There are extra pancakes on the counter, there's also some French toast in the fridge from yesterday, help yourself dear." And with that she was out the door.

I prepare myself a plate and made Harry one too because I guess if I were to begin an apology I could a least lighten the mood with some breakfast. My heart was pounding as I made my way to the stairs, my nerves proved they were stronger than me causing me to turn around and pace the space between the open kitchen and the living room like a mad man. What do I say to him? Where do I start? What will he say?

I panicked when I heard a door shut from upstairs and foot steps drawing ever closer.

Harry's POV

After Cat's explosion I decided to take my shame filled form back to my room. I sat down on my bed and stared at the holes in my ripped jeans. Why did she despise me so much? I mean she couldn't hate me that much if she spent the night right? Well I guess I didn't give her a choice. Maybe I should step back a bit. Give her some space.

Thoughts like this dance through my head, flushing everything else I true to focus on away.

I threw myself back against the bed so my eyes were adjusting to the bright white of my ceiling.

What should I do that'll give her space? I don't want to just ignore her but what the hell was I supposed to do?

A light knock echoed through my door while I lay there trying to come up with ideas.

"Come in," I sighed bringing the pillow to cover my face. I didn't want my mum to see me like this.

I heard muffled foot steps then felt the bed get disturbed. Not a sound was made which confused me quite a bit. the pillow shielding my face was removed with a soft pull. Cat's apologetic face was replacing my view which held a bit of fogginees from the pressure of the pillow on my eye lids.

"I... um... thought we could talk?" She tucked her hair behind her ear in a nervous habit. She did her best to place those beautiful eyes on anything but me in the room.

"Go ahead." I urged. I was interested in what she had to say but I wasn't exactly jumping out of my skin.

She too a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry for being overly harsh... I'm just afraid that this is all a joke." She muffled her voice with her hands to her face.

A joke? I had no idea what she meant.

"I feel like I have to be on edge cause I'm just waiting for you to... I don't know decide that I'm too lame or weird to be around and join the rest with the names and the harassment." Her eyes finally shifted to mine and my heart shattered. Tears threatened to spill over and right there, I realized how hurt she is from everything and how utterly useless everyone made her feel.

"Cat I'm not that type of person. If I didn't want to be around you I wouldn't have offered to take you home, I wouldn't have offered for you to come and have lunch with us." I was now sitting up and next to Cat on the edge of my bed.

The tears in her eyes spilled over, " I lost my mum to cancer and my dad left so its just me and Jen. I'm used to people leaving me not trying to make time for me." She smeared the tears across her cheek leaving what was left of the black makeup she had worn yesterday smearing down her eyes. "Sorry," She awkwardly laughed while rubbing the underneath a of her eyes.

"I'm sorry," was all I could manage to say. I had a hard time dealing with my dad leaving, I couldn't imagine how she felt. I pulled her into a hug which only caused her to cry more.

"My dad left too, so I know how hard it is," I felt her ball the fabric of my shirt up in her fists while I felt the upper part dampen from the built up pain in this fragile girl.

I never would have thought how miserable Cat must feel. At that moment, I decided I would do everything in my power to make her feel wanted. She deserved that much.


I am shit with updating times, sorry guys, I'm trying to make the chapters longer sooooo yeah




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