Chapter 1

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Reader's POV

Nahla walked into the Foot Locker she worked out, a little late due to one of her roommates hogging the bathroom so early in the morning. They were okay for the most part. They paid the bills on time and stayed out of each other's way, not over stepping any their way, just as Nahla hoped.

For some reason, Nahla wasn't feeling the whole grinding vibe of working. She simply had a lot on her mind that she just didn't have the time for at the moment.

For hours, she stood at the cash register and occasionally helping customers that didn't know exactly what they wanted with shoes and such.

Typical day.

"Do you mind helping me?" she heard a male's voice ask. She turned around, seeing a tall figure before her. She didn't really memorize him, but eh, she guess he was okay due to the glance she got at him.

"Sure, what you need?" she tried genuinely smiling, but failed to a extend. She sighed, looking back up at him.

"Um, yeah, you got these in a 12?" the male asked, holding up a pair of blue, white, and grey Jordans. Nahla looked at the shoes for a second, remembering a co-worker having some in the back.

"Hmm, let me see what I can do." she said, reaching out for the shoe. "May I?"

"Yeah, go ahead." he said, handing her the shoe. Nahla simply turned around, her ponytail swinging behind her slowly as she walked to the back. It took her a good 5 minutes or so, but she found it. Coming back with the box.

"There you go." she said, handing him the box. "That all?"

"These are a 11." he lightly chuckled.

Nahla groaned, getting the box back frustrated, seeing a 11 on the box clear as day. "Ugh. I would. I'm sorry, let me go back."

"No, it's okay." he chuckled again. "You seem a bit stressed. You alright?" he asked. It felt odd... someone wanting to know what was wrong with her.

"Yeah. I'm fine." she sighed, lying. He was stressed as hell, and now, she knew it showed. "Ya know, all in a day's work.." she fakely smiled.

"You ain't like I don't know a fake smile when I see one." he said, pulling her to a secluded bench. "Now what's really wrong?"

"Listen.. I can't talk right now I gotta get ba-" Nahla began saying.

"Nahleyyyy!" one of her co-workers teased. "You can go on your lunch break down." she giggled.

"Thanks Brit." Nahla chuckled back.

"So you can talk now.." the male smiled. Why was he so interested in Nahla? Was it cause she was pretty or?

"Not really, I'm starved, so I'm going to get something to eat." Nahla admitted. "Sorry."

"Let me buy you lunch." he said right as Nahla was grabbing her purse from behind the counter. She stopped, looking up at him confused.


"Yeah, then you can talk and eat." he smiled. His smile made Nahla crack a slight smile, too.

"Prolly not a good idea.." Nahla admitted.

"Turnin' down free food, huh?" he chuckled.

"Alright." Nahla gave in. "You can buy me lunch."

"Thanks." he said,, leading her out the store.

The mall was big for only being one story. And Nahla had never eaten there, she always went across the street, eating on the way back to work.

"You like Chinese?" he asked.

"Yeah.." Nahla faintly said.

"Alright, go ahead and grab a seat, I got it."

"How would you know what I liked..?" Nahla asked confused.

"I got this." he chuckled. Nahla shrugged, taking his word for it as she found a seat at a table and pulled out her phone. Seemingly playing games of Candy Crush and Ruzzle til she heard the chairs shift and saw a white takeout plate being seated in front of her. "There." he smiled..

"Thanks.." Nahla said as she opened it. She was surprised to everything she loved eating Chinese on the plate, it wasn't like omg, this is so much, but it was a good amount that she couldn't eat all, but she would surely take him... It home.

"So, you gotta talk to me now?"

"I guess since you were nice enough to buy me lunch." she cracked a small smile, poking her chicken with her foot and taking a bite. "I just been stressed, ya know."

"Yeah, I know." he said, taking a sip of his coke. "I know perfectly."

"You couldn't possibly have as much stress as me." Nahla admitted.

"Try me." he chuckled. "Enough about stress, don't need you bein' upset. You don't need no frown lines in that cute forehead of yours." he said, making Nahla giggle.

"Thanks.. I guess." she giggled yet again. "Um, what's your name?"

"Craig." he said twirling his fork in the noodles. "You?"

"Nahla.." she said a little above a whispered.

"Nahla?" he asked, confirming her name. She nodded her head, taking a tip of her lemonade. "It's Arabic for "drink of water" or African for "successful""

"Pretty name... for a pretty girl." he said, smiling. Nahla couldn't help but smile back at his loveliness. Nahla got a better look of his face. His perfect jawline was amazing and he had some cute ears.

"Thanks." she said, tucking some hair behind her ear. "So, how old are you?"

"Just 22... What? Don't tell me you a youngin'" he chuckled.

"I'm turnin' 21 in 3 months thank you very much." she said with a cute attitude.

"Good." he chuckled. "Don't need you over here havin' a dude catchin' a case."

"Whatever." she lightly chuckled. She was coming out of her shell it had taken her parents, before they got locked up, years to break. It was odd. All he did was buy her lunch.

"All I get is a whatever?" he chuckled.

"yeah, since I gotta be back at work in about 20 minutes."

"Can I see you again?" he asked, taking another sip of his coke. Nahla choked on her lemonade, being surprised a little. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and contain her composure.

"Wait.." she paused. "You're asking me out on a date?"

"2nd date." he smiled.

"When was our first?" she asked confused.

"This one." he smiled before dipping his fork back into the noodles and taking a spoonful and eating. ___

Welp, I'm at it again, makin' stories and not bein' able to stop. I get too many ideas.. I can't help it. I sowwi. :(( Hopefully you can keep up with me.

xoxoxo Meee ♥

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