Chapter 11

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It was early in the morning when I woke up that day. The first thing I grabbed was my phone to see what time it was. It was a little after 7 that morning and I was off that day, so I began getting out of bed. Slowly, making sure I wouldn't wake Craig who had the cutest and tightest grip onto my waist as he laid on my boobs. He was the cutest. He was a somewhat hard sleeper, so after I got out the bed, I put on one of his shirts and grab a pair of underwear and a sports bra from my bag and hurried to the bathroom.

I took a short little 10 minutes shower so I could hurry up and do what I had planned to do. I put on my underwear and bra and then put the shirt I walked in with back on and hurried downstairs. I tiptoed across the hardwood floor of the living room, being sure not to make any noise.

"You're up early" I heard and made me jump, almost screamed. "haha, my bad." they said. I turned around, realizing it was Jacob and gave him a smile. "Scare you?"

"Yeah, you did." I said, taking a deep breath, "why you up so early?"

"I could be asking you the same thing..?" he raised a eyebrow then chuckled, "I go for a morning run every morning, I just got in. Your turn." he smiled.

"I was gonna cook breakfast for everything, ya know, just because."

"How come you're always doing things for people? I haven't seen you be mean to none of us, not even in a joking way since you've been staying here.."

"Well... My grandfather always told me.. 'Do unto others as you want to be done unto to.'"

"He sounds like a preacher.." Jacob lightly chuckled as he drank some juice.

"He was.." I giggled, "Anyway, where's the bacon?" I said, looking through the fridge.

"It's in the draw."

"Thanks." I smiled towards him, "now, run along and do something constructive.. Let mama cook." I giggled.

"Yes ma'am." he responded by kissing my forehead and giving me a playful wink and walking upstairs.

I had been cooking for almost a hour when I started hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, and not just one step of foot, a couple. I didn't bother looking up because I knew it had to be the guys.

I had just got done putting the eggs on a plate and while I was sprinkling salt and pepper over them, I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist and turn me around facing Craig's tall frame.

"Good morning there gorgeous." he whispered against my lips, which made me giggle.

"Can I finish cooking or nah?"

"You can't even say good morning, fine there." he chuckled.

"Good morning baby." I got on my tippy toes and pecked his lips, "How'd you sleep?"

"We both know how I slept." he semi-whispered.

"COUGH COUGH MOTHERFUCKER!" Chresanto yelled, making all of us laugh.

"You're right." I giggled, "breakfast should be done in a minute, the sausage is almost done babe."

"You're just perfect." he said and kissed my cheek.

"I'm far from it, but I'm happy you think like that babe, go in the living room, I'll be done shortly." I kissed him last before he gave me a smile and walked away. I really loved him.

Craig's POV

"So nigga.." Jacob chuckled, "you know.." be began to whisper, "you got a amazing woman on your hands."

"I know." I smiled and glanced at her in the kitchen from the living room. "She's perfect."

"I don't know not one girl that'll wake up early in the morning shower, and then make sure her nigga fed. She loyal, and you don't find that in too many females these days."

"Yeah, I know."

"And she can cook!" Chresanto said rubbing his hands.

"Breakfast is ready!" I heard Nahla say and that's when the conversation was cut short and we all got up to eat.

Later that night

Nahla and I had been boo'ed up for about a while. We had watched The Hunger Games, Enough, and now the movie Ray had just started.

"Babe, why you gripping me so tight?" I chuckled lightly.

"Because this movie makes me feel some type of way when the little boy dies and I just wanted someone to hold on to.."

"You got me.." I smiled, but she stared directly at the t.v.

"Craig, what if your parents had to send you far away for a long time and you'd probably never see them again, what would you do?"

"Baby is this about your parents?" I asked and sat up. She nodded her head and continued looking at me. "Listen.. your parents did a crime.."

"I know but at the same time I haven't visited them in prison in 5 years... I can't help but think about this sometimes and especially around this time because it's Christmas and I'm just sad you know.." she pouted then looked at me, "can you hold me babe?"

"you don't even have to ask." I smiled and pulled her on top of me, "you know I love you, don't cry babe." I chuckled lightly.

"I'm not gonna cry." she giggled, "I love you too, but I have work in the morning, so can we just lay up and finish watching this movie.. I'm hungry too." she randomly said.

"Order pizza?" I questioned as I got out the bed, "oh, and Chinese?"

"Gotchu." I said, grabbing my phone and walking out the door.

"Oh, babe!"

"Yeah?" I peeked my head back through the door.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled, "pause the movie for me."

"Gotchu," she smiled and did just that, "now, go order our food, I'm hungry."

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