This Is How I Disappear

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I wake up in a dark basement. The only light source is a small hanging lamp. My wrists and ankles are bound to a small wooden chair by duct tape. My throat feels dry and my mouth feels like it can't produce spit.

Where am I? Why am I here? These two questions keep circling through my head. Then I hear a door open. I turn my head to look at the noise, which isn't much.

"Well, look who's awake," a man's voice states behind me. He sounds like he has been smoking since he came out of the womb.

"What do you want with me," I yell. The man walks down the steps and stops right in front of me. He had messy light brown hair and a 5 o'clock shadow. He was wearing a red flannel and bootcut jeans. There was an old scar along his tan forearm. This man scared me. Bad.

"Calm down there kitty. You don't want to get into trouble," The man smirked as he bent down to look at my face.

"Please just let me go," I cried.

"How about," the man started," No."
He laughed the most vicious laugh.

"Why are you keeping me here?"
Hot tears started streaming down my face.

"Because you are the little sister of Gerard Way, lead singer of My Chemical Romance," The man smirked," Now tell me, how much would they pay for letting you go safe and sound? A thousand? A million? Either way you aren't leaving without me getting any payment."

"Why me? Why did you have to kidnap me?" I cried.

"No more questions," the man growled.

"Please just-"

"NO MORE QUESTIONS," the man yelled while back handed slapping me across the face. I can feel the stinging of the slap on my right cheek. I shut up after that.

"Now be a good little kitty and don't make any noise, not like anybody could hear you anyways," the man laughed as he left. I heard the sound of a door shut behind me.

I stare down at the clothes I am wearing. Black ankle boots with cream socks underneath. My dress is a dark maroon, although now it has dirt smudges on it, and a white rounded collar.

Tears pour out from my eyes. I wonder what my brothers are doing right now. I wonder what they are feeling. Shock, worry, sadness, or all three. Probably all three. Oh god, my mom. She must be heartbroken.

I will get back to them. I have to get back to them. Even if it means risking my life.

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