Chapter# 17

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Dedicated to OwlGal Aimansaeed

Ehtesham's POV:


Who am I kidding, there was no way we could just be friends, with the relationship we have. We could never be just friends, no matter how much I try to ignore her and she ignores me. And, I am sure she understands this fact too. The natural pull between us is too strong to ignore or fight, but I have to admit that Fiza has more control over her actions toward me, rather than I have towards her.

I became impulsive whenever she is involved and there are times when I have to stop myself from snapping at Sania on saying hateful stuff about Fiza. I nearly lost my temper today, on receiving a picture of Fiza standing with Sheharyar from Maliha's number and without thinking, I took an early leave from the office and rushed back home, which was quite a senseless thing to do.

I waited for Fiza and the kids' arrival and kept asking myself the reason behind my anger. I couldn't understand why the thought of her going against me bothered me so much, while I want her to live her own life and now I was sitting here on her bed and asking her to be my friend so I can be a part for her life.

What is wrong with me?

I look at her hopefully, perhaps she would understand my trouble but the blank look on her face didn't seem favourable. I lowered my head in defeat when she didn't answer for a long time and got up.

"Think about it. We both can't live like this for long." I said.

"Only one condition." I heard Fiza's voice.

"What?" I look at her face in disbelief.

"No touching in any weird manner." She said, pointing her index finger at me.

"Fine, I'll agree if you could explain the 'weird manner'?" I understood what she was referring to, but it would be amusing to see how she puts it into words.

Fiza remained silent and her face turns red on what I have said, making me change my position from one foot to another to fight the urge of touching her in that 'weird manner'. Only the thought of it gives me tickles and once again, I find myself staring at her.


Fiza's POV:

"And no staring in the wrong way." I snapped at him when he stares at me with a luscious glint in his eyes.

If I am doing this, I will do it in my way...

He abruptly closed his eyes and opened them with a smile playing on his lips.

"It's a deal then." He said, covering the distance between us by stretching out his hand to me.
I look at his hand and hesitantly shook it, thinking that I shouldn't be so repulsive towards my Hubby dear. But I regret my decision the next moment as he pushes me against the wardrobe behind me. Before I could push him back, he leans dangerously close.

"Don't worry, I will be keeping my side of the deal... no staring in a wrong way and no touching in a weird manner." He holds both of my hands and pins it near my head, "but there isn't any notion in the agreement about our closeness, right? So..." He smirks and lowers his head to my face, so close that his breath is touching my face.

I gulped and close my eyes when he looks into my eyes like he was mocking me about something. He intervened his fingers with mine and a deep breath of his caressed my face, sending chills to my body. He may not be touching me, except for my hands, but the nearness between us is enough for me to feel him.

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