Chapter # 43

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Sheheryar's POV:

"You are insulting my guest and my wife Mom." I said after making sure that Fiza was out of ear reach.

"It is the truth." She answered in a nonchalant manner going outside. It irritated me, but there is nothing I can do.

"I apologize on my mother's behalf Ehtesham. I don't know why she becomes so aggressive when it comes to Safina and kids." I turn to Ehtesham who was staring in the direction where Fiza has left and all of the sudden the guilt I have feeling start to vanishes.

"It's hard to understand women rights, so don't apologize for it." He said gazing straight into my eyes, which gave the impression that his statement wasn't for my Mom.

"I will be going. Wish you a very happy married life." He stretched out his hand and I warily shook it.

I will make sure of it...

"Take Care." I didn't try to stop him for dinner. As he left I turn on my heels and headed towards the kids' room to find Fiza but the only person in the room was Taha, who was sleeping peacefully.

When she left???

After searching all over the house I found her in our bedroom. Holding lipstick in her hand she was staring in the mirror.

"Fiza?" My voice startled her and she abruptly straightened herself.

"S-sorry! I was just fixing my make-up." She put the lipstick back on the dressing table and set her dupatta on the shoulder.

If she really were fixing her make-up then she failed to do it. She wasn't able to bring back the blush on her face which she has before.

"Let's go." She said walking over to me and I nodded.


During the rest of the dinner, my thoughts were occupied by Fiza's dreary face. She was with me all the time, talking and smiling like usual but her smiles weren't reaching her eyes. As expected, Sumbul noticed it, as well as her father and in a very polite and indirect manner, he mentioned that he didn't like the presence of Ehtesham here. To be honest, I have made the mistake to call both my parents and Ehtesham's family at the same time. I should've been more careful, putting so much pressure on her was unfair. I also never have imagined that Mom would insult her, especially in front of Ehtesham. It's unfathomable what's got into her mind. She didn't even think that she was talking about her daughter-in-law.

It was a disaster. A complete disaster which I created myself...

I slide my hands into my pockets while walking back home after seeing off our last guest. As soon as I stepped inside the house, a refreshing fragrance of Chai (milk tea) hits me and unintentionally I inhaled a deep breath. I don't know when my direction changed from bedroom to kitchen and I found Fiza there, standing near the stove.

On hearing the sound of my footsteps she turned around, holding to empty mugs in her hand. Freshly washed face with small droplets of water still on it, hairs tied in a messy bun, a plain purple colour kameez (shirt) and trouser with dupatta hung on the left shoulder, she looked quite charming to me. Although she has a tiring expression on her face, still she was able to make my heart pound a bit harder.

"Chai is the best thing to end up a tiring day." She gave me a small smile and turn to pour it into the cups.

For a few moments, I just stood in my place and stare at her. She really was amazing, instead of throwing a tantrum about what Mom said to her, she was making tea for us. Whenever she handles situations with her mature attitude, I find myself getting more attracted to her. She was beautiful, inside out and she was mine. My wife, my responsibility, my love.

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