Chapter # 46

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Fiza's POV:

"Why are you so terrified? It wasn't like he directly came to your house." Qudsia asked me when I told her about Ehtesham's call.

"And what if he comes? He knows that Sheheryar isn't here." I said staring at the cup of my coffee. I am not very fond of coffee but since morning, it is my second cup.

Ehtesham called me twice yesterday with the same request to meet him alone and on his third call, I blocked his number.  I tried to talk to Sheheryar about his calls but was unable to gather the courage to tell him that he wants to meet his wife alone when he is out of town. That's why I ended up calling Qudsia. She was at a family dinner so we didn't talk properly and the first thing in the morning she called me. 

"He won't, believe me. If he had the courage he would've come yesterday when you blocked his number."

"What should I do yar?." I sighed and continued, "I don't know what Sheheryar will think if Ehtesham really came here in his absence."

"Snap out of it Fiza. Since when you have become so weak? You have the courage to protect yourself and your family. Listen, unblock his number. If he calls again, tell him to meet you when Sheheryar comes back and if he dares to show up on your doorstep. Kick him out, even if you have to call the police but don't let him destroy your peaceful life. Sheheryar is a mature and a very nice person but he is still a man and men are really possessive over their wives."

"I know." A timid voice came out of my mouth.

"FIZA!" She said in a scolding tone.

"I am unable of thinking any reason why he suddenly wants to meet me. Why on earth he is here. I don't want anything to do with him."

"Do you want me to call his wife and told her everything?" She asked out of nowhere and suddenly her idea clicked in my mind.

"Can you do this?" I inquired in haste.

"If you say, I will." 

"Then do it. If this keeps him away from me and my family then for Allah's sake do it."

"Okay boss. Consider it done." He said in her usual carefree tone, "Don't worry. I will take care of it now. Just relax and live your life. Call your husband thrice a day and give him a reminder not to pay attention to the attractive woman there or you will kill him and don't forget about the souvenirs you asked him to buy with."

"I didn't ask him to buy anything."

"What? How dull. At least you could've asked for a gift at least."

"You know I never asked anyone for gifts."

"Fiza, I will throw a brick on your head if you keep this attitude with Sheheryar. Remember, he is not Ehtesham, he gives you all the rights of a wife and expecting something in return. So put aside your ego and be a proper wife."

"What is a proper wife?" I asked absentmindedly gazing at my finger ring which Sheheryar gave me while proposing.

"A proper wife is the boss."

"What?" I frowned.

"Just joking, a wife is someone who is a friend, lover, life partner at the same time. You have to talk to him like a friend, make him feel special like a lover and share things with him because he is the one with whom you will be spending the rest of your life... now you get it?"

"A bit."

"Good, now go and be a wife."


"Ary yar! Call him and say a few nice lovely things and ask him to bring something for you. Okay???"

"Is this necessary to do such a thing?"

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