Author's note

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Salam and hello everyone!

It felt like ages, since I last updated here. So, I am updating Author Note here.

Sorry, it's not funny...

Actually, I want you guys to know that I am putting MFEH on hold.

Why? Because of my stupidity.
I have lost my USB in which I have saved chapters of  MFEH and many other stories. So, from now on I will be going through all the data I have saved in my PC and online. Maybe I get some luck and found few things. But.....

But.... the positive news is that I have saved half of the eighteenth chapter here on wattpad, means I will be able to update it soon.
And about the story You are Mine, well the problem is in a bit control, since most of sites have taken down the story, with reader help. Still there are few left, help me to end this story, so I can put up the remaining chapters too.
The next chapter of MFEH will be updated next week Inshallah or before, if I finished it.
And.... wish me luck for finding my lost USB or the chapters in my PC.

Thank you so much for supporting me every time.

Take Care :)

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