Chapter # 29

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Salam and hello everyone!
Happy Easter to all my Christian brothers and Sisters out there :)


Not edited.

Ehtesham's POV:

"Ami what is this?" I asked Ami, as I stare at the torn-up envelope on the table and without waiting for her answer I picked it up. I frowned reading the details on the envelope. It was from the court and addressed to me, but I found nothing inside. This wasn't an ideal welcome for a person who just came after an exhausting day at the job.

"Ami, what was in this envelope?" I said walking towards my parents' room.


"Yes, but what sort of notice is this?"

"Read it yourself." She said pointing towards the small table in the corner of her room. Her anger tone surprised me a bit but I couldn't fathom the reason behind it until I read the papers and for a moment my mind went black. I read the papers but was unable to process the writing in it, therefore I reread it again and again and after reading more than three times, I frown at it.

According to it, Fiza and my divorce papers are submitted to the court and approved by the judge. Therefore, I have to give Haq Mehr to Fiza along with the dowry she brought and other wedding gifts from her side.

What the hell is this???

Hastily I read it once again, with a slight hope that my eyes are deceiving me or perhaps my mind, but none of them was. The text on the papers appears the same no matter how many time I read.

"Ami what is this?" I turned to her unable to understand the meanings behind the notice.

"I supposed, I should be the one asking you." The anger in her voice was clearly shown from her eyes too.

"Asking what?"

"When did you send divorce papers to Fiza?"

"I didn't."

"You didn't? Read the last paper again Ehtesham, it is your copy of divorce papers with your signature on it."

She was right I have seen it and that's why I was more confused, those are my signature without a doubt but I never sign those papers. I mean, I didn't even make my mind to leave Fiza. Then...

I kept staring at Fiza's name with her signature and for some reason, our wedding night images started flashing in my mind. Especially the pair of those sharp eyes which glared back at me with anger and tears.

"Ami this-" Before I could complete the sentence, my attention diverted to the phone which starting to buzz in my pocket. Frowning at the phone I pick the call because it was from the office.

"Hello, Junaid Sahab (Mr. Junaid)."

"Assalam o Alaikum Ehtesham Sahab."

"Wallaikum Assalam!"

"Mr Ehtesham, I have called you to inform you that the accounts file we have forward is incomplete."

"What? What do you mean it's incomplete?" I frowned.

"Few papers are missing from it. I just received a call from the department of accounts."

"But I have counted them after signing it."

"Perhaps it went missing after your signature. Anyways, the data of the file would be an official record. Kindly manage to provide complete documents with your signature tomorrow morning at nine a.m. It cannot be delayed."

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