13. Hope?

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We were once again at Abaddon. It had become somewhat of a safe haven for us, since anywhere else seemed too dangerous. My dad was a cop and Adri may or may not have been ambushed so our houses weren't options. I frowned. We still need to talk to her about that. A loud grunt broke my train of thought and my eyes widened at the scene before me. In short, it was breathtakingly beautiful and unbelievable hot. A shirtless Jasper was pounding the shit out of the uppercut bag as he called it. He kept throwing furious jabs at it, grunting every now and then, and his muscled body seemed just as tense as it was before. Obviously, boxing wasn't helping with the situation right now.

"Jasper," I said, waiting for him to stop beating the bag. "Jasper," I called out a little louder. Tired of just sitting here and watching him box – no matter how entertaining it was – I grabbed his half-empty water bottle and chucked it at him. The plastic bottle hit his rock hard back before bouncing off and falling to the floor. Jasper stilled, his chest heaving, before turning to glare at me. I might've been a little scared if it weren't for the sweat dripping off him being such a distraction.

"What," he spat out, his glare hardening. I shot him a glare of my own.

"We don't know anything okay? We found his fucking cap and that's it, we don't know where he is, we don't know if he's even alive, we don't even know if this is the same cap!" I exclaimed, throwing the cap to the floor. I desperately wanted to believe my words, but Sam had told me that he had seen his brother a couple of months ago. And Jasper had 'killed' him a year ago. Jasper still looked furious, but he didn't seem to be in the same blind fury that he was in before. He exhaled through his nose, trying to calm himself. I hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder, but I should've known better than to do that. Jasper roughly grabbed my waist and smashed his lips onto mine. My lips parted with surprise, giving his tongue an easy entrance. Slowly, I gave into the kiss, knowing that he just wanted some sort of release and I just happened to be there. At least, I think that's the reason. He bit my lip, pulling it out before resuming battling my tongue with his. I almost moaned before I realised that maybe we were taking this a little too far. Placing my hands on his chest, I roughly pushed him away, breathing heavily. We both were out of breath. Jasper had the same emotionless expression that I had seen countless times before and I hated it. I wanted to know exactly what was running through his mind right now, and if it even slightly resembled my thoughts.

"Are you calm now?" I asked, my voice and face betraying nothing of the turmoil that was inside. Jasper said nothing, but he looked like he was confused, despite his expressionless face, I somehow got to that conclusion. "Well I don't care," I snapped. "You need to get your head out of your ass so we can rationally think this through."

"Fine," he muttered, rolling his eyes and still looking annoyed. "I need a shower," now it was my turn to roll my eyes. I gestured with my hands for him to go before slumping against the wall and sliding down to sit. My head leaned back and I closed my eyes. Nothing made sense anymore. In fact, nothing made sense from the start but this made everything else seem bleak in comparison.

I was there that night. I saw with my own eyes exactly what happened. There was a clean bullet wound on his back that may or may not have gone through his heart. He was still as a corpse – except for that breath I saw him take. I groaned, my hands curled around my knees and holding my head around the neck. But then we threw him off the cliff. There was no way he could've survived that – much less his hat. And what was the deal with Sam? How could no one know about his brother?

Maybe that's why Jasper hates him so much.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jasper ask quietly. I sighed, stretching my legs out and leaning my head against the wall.

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