7. "Hurry"

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w a r n i n g : i dont know a n y t h i n g about all things medical. if ive written something wrong, feel free to correct me but do refrain from insulting my intelligence please and thank you :)

My mom knocked on my door.

It was snowing. I watched from my window as feather light flakes of snow drifted silently to the ground. People hurried from one place to another and every now and then a car whizzed by, leaving dirt and dust in its wake. The atmosphere would've been almost serene, if it wasn't for the fact that any one of the people walking on the streets could be a murderer. It had been a two days since the night at Jasper's and I had been avoiding virtually everyone.

Another knock and I let out a sigh of disappointment. It was calming to watch from the window, but my parents, including my dad, had had enough with me skipping school and demanded I go today. As I got ready to face the world, I thought of everything that had happened since the day of the suicides. Once again I doubted myself; I doubted if it actually was a killer and not some sick bastard who enjoyed scaring people for the hell of it.

Looking at my reflection, I winced at the ghostly look that I was sporting. I had dark bags under my dark blue eyes and it looked like a family of birds had made their home in my hair. My skin looked dangerously pale against my black hair and I wondered how no one had admitted me to the mental hospital yet.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked me once I met her near the park. I had been silent for the first ten minutes of the walk and with only a couple more to go, she was bound to be a little suspicious. I shrugged in response.

"Is it Adrianna?" she asked with pursed lips. Lily and I were close friends but not as close as she liked to believe we were – although she came second to Adri, Lily didn't understand that. I was more her confidante than anything, and she didn't understand that friendship had to be a two-way street. Just like she didn't understand the close friendship between Adri and I – in fact, she hated it for reasons unbeknownst to me. Lily was an open-book but when it came to Adri she was a puzzle I didn't quite understand but strived to solve.

"It is her isn't it? I heard she tried to kill herself," Lily snorted and I pressed my lips into a thin line. "God how selfish of her – doesn't she think of anyone else? Poor Jasper..." she said with a crinkled nose. I struggled to hold my tongue. Lily had an infatuation with Jasper that only grew when he became a street fighter. "It's so pathetic –"

"Lily, shut up," I couldn't resist anymore. It thoroughly frustrated me how she could badmouth a person – even someone she hates – when they've just tried to commit suicide. But she didn't. Someone else did it for her, remember? I shuddered at my unnerving thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett," she turned her big blue eyes at me once we reached school. They were wide and innocent, looking nothing like a person that was so full of hatred towards a girl. I sighed and didn't reply. Instead I ignored her and began walking to Adri's car which was just pulling up. I raised my eyebrows at the sight – Adri didn't have a license because she wasn't of age yet so seeing her car was slightly surprising. My eyebrows must've disappeared into my hairline when I saw Jasper getting out of the driver's seat.

"Scar," Lily said, grabbing my wrist tightly. "I really am sorry, that was way out of line," she said, her lips beginning to wobble. "I really don't want you mad at me, I promise not to insult Adrianna anymore," I sighed when I saw her tearing up. She had always been a sensitive person, crying when she got even slightly upset, and she always had this expression of a puppy that had just been kicked which made you feel horribly guilty.

"It's fine," I murmured, lightly pulling my arm away. "I have the same first class as Adri so I'll see you later okay?" a dark expression crossed herr face at the mention of Adri but it was gone within seconds.

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