♕Chapter One: New Diva

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~ Monday 9:30am

Kiana POV

I woke up to my super loud and super annoying alarm clock ringing like crazy. It's soooo early in the morning...to me that is. I'm not a mornings person -_- but today might literally be the best day of my life! I'm FINALLY debuting into the WWE womens roster! Well not exactly..I'm going to perform in front of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to see if I'm good enough to join the womens roster. I'm so nervous but I've been dreaming of this moment for years! I finally rolled over to turn my alarm clock off and ended up falling off my bed and face planting onto the floor. Perfect. I got up off the floor and grabbed my phone and dragged myself to the bathroom of my condo. I turned on the sink and brushed my teeth while jamming to Work From Home by Fifth Harmony (Cause that's my shit right now :D lol) from my phone. After I brushed my teeth I took a shower and walked out into the freezing coldness of my condo. I didn't put socks on yet so I tipped toe my way to my room/closet. Yes I bought a condo with another room just to put my clothes in it instead of a closet. I got to my room/closet and went through all my clothes debating what I should wear today. It's a super important day so I should look important, but I don't want to look too important because then the superstars might think I'm stuck up. BUT I don't want to look to loose cause then I'll look like a slut and the women will TOTALLY judge me for that. BUUUT I don't want to be too uptight with my outfit cause then I'll look like a lame who look likes they know everything and care too much about society! BUT I...oh fuck it I'm just going to wear a sports bra and leggings and a jacket and carry on with my life. I changed into my outfit(outfit in picture) and planned carried my jacket. I didn't put it on because in Tampa Florida IT'S ALWAYS BURNING HOT! I grabbed my jacket my luggage my phone and a banana and left my condo. It was 9:50 and I'm suppose to be meeting Stephanie McMahon and Triple H at the performance center in Orlando at 12 and I already had my luggage packed so I rushed to my car and packed my car and drove off to Orlando. I was also meeting my best cousin in the world April (AJ Lee) and her husband Phillip (CM punk) up at the center. They both really helped me through this crazy journey, especially april. We grew up together always watching wrestling and doing nothing else but training to make it in WWE. On the way to the center I got a call from April. I had one hand on the wheel and the other on my banana so I had to put her on speaker..

~Phone Convo~

Kiana: Hello?

April: Are you on your way here?

Kiana: No I'm in my bed making wind and car sounds while eating a banana

April: Kiana I'm serious!

Kiana: Yes! I'm driving right now I didn't forget ok!? I know how important this day is!

April: Yea SUPER important Kiana! This day will change your life forever!

Kiana: I hope it changes it for the best. What if triple H doesn't want me anymore? Or Steph doesn't think I'm good enough anymore or both of them want to fi..

*April cut off*

April: KIANA STOP! You were born to do this! You got all the training in world by one of the best female wrestlers in the world, Trish Stratus, for 9 YEARS! You're well trained and they just want to do alittle touch up with you, you'll be fine!

Kiana: You're right..I got this!

April: Yes you do! Don't give up now when the whole world still haven't seen your talent yet

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