♕Chapter Twenty Five: Making It Happen

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Kiana's POV

I stormed back to my locker room and slammed my door shut.


I cannot believe I'm being forced to be back with Roman again! I want nothing to do with him yet my next month or two is going to be filled with him! UGH! I quickly packed up my belongings then heard my phone buzz. I took a deep breath to calm myself down then picked it up and looked at it.

*WWE: BREAKING NEWS! There's rumors going around about a two love birds seeing each other! We don't know who yet but we hear they are always around each other! Keep an eye out and maybe you'll see them before we do!*

Kiana: Are you serious?

Now Roman and I are scavenger hunt props? This is ridicules now people are going to be all over us and all in our privacy thanks to wwe lame ideas. I sat my phone down and finished packing up. I looked around the room to make sure I got everything then headed out. Right as I opened the door there stood Mr. Roman Reigns.

Kiana: What do you want?

Roman: You and your time

Kiana: mm cute seriously what do you want?

Roman: *sigh* We have to walk out together due to the information that just drop

Kiana: Are you serious?

Roman: Yup

Kiana: But what about seth? I road here with him

Roman: Someone already handled it, everything is taken care of

Kiana: Who?

Roman: I don't know Kiana I'm just going along with this

Kiana: *sigh* Right

I pulled my luggage out the room and shut the door closed and started walking with Roman. I made sure to keep my head straight and made no eye contact with him what so ever. Surprisingly enough he didn't say a word to me and it was a silent walk to the exit. Once we reached the exit Roman stepped in front of the door and started to open it till he stopped and turned to me.

Kiana: What are you do-

Roman: Look I know you don't want to do this or be with me anymore but I can't act like you're not here

Kiana: So then don't now let g-

Roman: So can we please make an agreement?

Kiana: *sigh* Sure

Roman: Okay, for now on out we don't pretend like we don't know each other or any other petty shit. We make this work however we can and drop any beef we got right here right now

Kiana: Deal and no touching me got that?

Roman: Not even a hug?

Kiana: No! You keep your short distance from me and I'll keep mine from you

Roman: You don't have to

Kiana: Trust me, I do. Now lets go

With that we walked out leaving any tension behind and petty mess in the building and got caught up by fans screaming and taking pictures of us. I put my head down and grabbed the side of Roman's jacket as he guided me to his car. There were so many people yelling and screaming at us and flashing lights blinding us and our path but thank goodness Roman has 20/20 vision and was able to guide us to the car safely. I got in the passenger seat while Roman rushed into the driver seat and started the car.

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