♕Chapter Eleven: Seth?

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Kiana POV

We got back to the hotel at 3pm to chill till 5pm. I texted Seth back and agreed to go to his room at 5pm and have a sit down talk. I don't want to face Seth or even speak to him anymore but this needs to be done. I made a promise and I'm going to keep it, hopefully. I'm just worried Seth might try something on me or he might start pouring his heart out to me and I start double thinking about things which I don't want to. I want to be with Roman for good and I want him to be mine. Which is why I'm also worried about him going to Eva's room..alone. After what happened today I can't trust Roman to be alone with Eva at all. I know some how some way sex will be involved and Roman will fall for all her tricks. Hopefully we can keep our promises. We got to our hotel room and chilled in the living room in front of the tv. We cuddled up and watch a movie to burn time. We turn on "Now You See Me" which is a movie I've already seen but I really wanted to just talk and chill with Roman and get his mind off the thought of possibly doing anything crazy with Eva.

Kiana: Hey um...what are you planning to talk about with Eva?

Roman: The truth...that we can't do anything anymore...not even friends

Kiana: Ok good

Roman: Are you worried about something else happening? Cause I'm not going to let that happen

Kiana: It's just after what happened today and how easy it was for her to trap you and take advantage of you, I'm worried she might do it again

He put his hand on my legs that were laying across his and looked at me.

Roman: Trust me, I won't let her take advantage of me ever again alright?

Kiana: Mhmm ok

He leaned in and kissed my forehead and pulled me in closer to him. I started to worry less and just not think at all and just relax.

*Skip to 5pm*

I looked in the mirror after freshening myself up and took a deep breath. I'm nervous as hell about what's about to go down but it needs to happen. I walked out the bathroom and saw Roman in the kitchen taking a drink. Can't blame him.

Kiana: You ready?

Roman: Ready when you are

He sat his drink down and we headed out. We both went into the elevator and clicked the floor we were going to and waited. It was silent. I just thought to myself as the number dropped and we got closer to the floor we needed.

Roman: Hey

I broke out of my thoughts and looked at Roman

Kiana: Yeah?

Roman: We'll be alright, ok?

He said softly smiling at me. I smiled back at his soft adorableness

Kiana: Ok

Just then we reach the floor Seth was on and the doors opened. I took a deep breath and started to walk out till Roman grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in and kissed me then let go which I wish he didn't let go. I walked out and the doors closed behind me and I walked to seth's room. I reached his room and knocked on the door which immediately opened and there stood Seth. We just looked at each other eye to eye for a minute till Seth stepped to the side allowing me to enter his room. I walked in and Seth closed the door behind me. I turned around and just stood there starring at him as he stared at me with sad eyes.

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