♕Chapter Thirteen: Seperation

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2 days later

Kiana POV

Today is the party which I'm excited and nervous for. The last few days all I could think about was Eva and what she's capable of. It's not so much I'm afraid of her..I'm afraid what she might dig up. I don't have the best past. I've slightly been distant towards Roman too because of this situation. I know we're going to have to separate soon and I don't want it to be hard, even though it's already hard enough trying to avoid him. I finished eating breakfast and headed to the bedroom to grabbed my clothes. I reached for the door but it open on the other side and there stood Roman in my face.

Roman POV

I opened the door about to go shower and right after I opened it there stood Kiana. She's been distant from me for the last few days which is making me worried.

Kiana: Um excuse me

Roman: Yeah

I stepped to the side and let her in. I stood there for a moment and saw she was grabbing her clothes meaning she's heading for the shower. I would of ask and said I was too but then she'd go somewhere else and avoid me. I left the room and went to the bathroom and started washing my face. Few minutes later she walked in with her towel wrapped around her and went straight into the shower not letting me her body at all. I hate this. I hate that she's avoiding me...especially when I'm really horny..and I've been like this for the last few days she's been avoiding me and it's really making me wonder if this is how it's going to be for our last few days. I finished washing my face and brushed my teeth and took a deep breath. I walked out the bathroom and laid on the bed and waited for Kiana to finish her shower. I didn't even turn the tv on, I just laid there in my thoughts. What if Kiana doesn't want me anymore? What if I loose her too? I can't bare to think about loosing her too. Just then Kiana walked in and I sat up and looked her in her eyes. She looked at me for a second then looked back down and sat on the bed next too me. I looked at her as she looked forward as if I wasn't here. I placed my hand on her inner thigh and rubbed it gently.

Roman: please talk to me

Kiana: ...

Roman: Is something scaring you?

Kiana: *mumble* no..

I started to get frustrated as she kept ignoring me like I was a stranger. How the hell are you going to feel up on me a few days ago acting like I was your husband then ignore me like I was just a one night stand? I can't deal with this

Roman: Fine

I removed my hand from her thigh and got up and went straight into the shower. I feel so used. She's treating me like I did something wrong after I saved her from getting raped? She treats me like this after I dropped my hoes for her? She treats me like this after I poured out my feeling for her right in front of her face? Who the hell does she think I am? Some rebound?....Oh Shit....What if I'm just her rebound? What if she's just using me to get back at Seth?! The more I think the more angry I got at Kiana and myself. I thought we really had something...I guess she's just another Galina. I finished washing up and turned off the water and stepped out and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm a grown ass man who can do whatever the hell he wants and I'm not letting ANY woman control that. I grinned at myself and put lotion on and got dressed and walk out the bathroom back to my old self ready to go back to my old ways.

Kiana POV

I curled up on the bed tearing up a little. I'm confused about my choices and my thoughts and feelings. I heard my phone buzz twice so I turned over and grabbed it off the charger. It was April

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