Chapter 8

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After our long hug he walks me back home and tell's me he'll walk me to all of my classes tomorrow. "Just make sure you don't talk to that asshole I'll protect you.." He says and I lightly smile and thank him as I close the door. After I close it I sigh and slide on the floor. Why do I always get caught into stupid shit? I always fall for the wrong choice. I get up and drag myself to the kitchen. I open the fridge and it's completely empty. I grab some shoes and go to the grocery store and grab some junk food, with frozen foods. I look around and see people being happy, and it isn't me. I am not happy. I am sad, so fucking sad.

I stand in the same aisle for 10 minutes just trying not to cry, remembering the story Amanda told me, I didn't want to believe someone is sick enough to use a females virginity for money, and a laugh. I push the cart to the cash register and give the old cashier my card. I thank her and drive home. I break down at one point while the radio was turned on blast and listened to Coldplay. I park my car in a ditch for a few minutes to pull myself together, I cannot let a stupid highschool boy get to me, it's never going to happen again. Never. Michael said he'll protect me, didn't he? I smile at the thought of him saying it over and over again. I start to drive back home and think about what my life would be if I was happy, it would be an amazing life. I get home and hear Andrew complaining of how hungry he was so we make frozen pizza with soda and chips. We watch cartoons and laugh together, we never sat down like this but it was nice, after all he was my brother. He asks me for advice for highschool and I tell him, "Just don't make it suck, and be happy."

After I eat and lecture him about school I go to my room to study and do my early assignments. I orginize my work and check out the stuff in my planner. I pick out my new oufit for tomorrow, and decide to wear a beige jumper with white converse and plain blue jeans. I lay in bed and think about the girl Austin played, did she really love him? I imagine him looking into my eyes and doing the same, telling me he loves me so much and he would do anything for me. I imagine how the girl felt when she found out, everyone must've either felt so bad for her, or laughed. I think about Michael doing the same and then I fall asleep to the sound of the pouring rain and rumbling thunder.

Everyone at school was laughing, because Austin did his bet with me, he had sex with me and said he wanted to be with me. I let him. I kept looking in every room in school calling Michaels name, he was no where to be found. I opened the bathroom and ran to a stall, and saw a girl laying on the floor- with pills in her hand. Thats when I realized it was me, it was me when I got bullied years ago. I wake up sweaty and my heart was racing. I went downstairs and got cold water. I look at the time when I get back in my room, 3AM, great. I try to go back to sleep but the dream replays in my mind. I finally fall asleep and wake up 10 minutes late, awesome. It was still raining when I leave so I left my hair wet and forget to put makeup. I drive to school and see traffic, this day couldn't get worse. Only if Austin doesn't ruin you today, otherwise you're right. I completely forgot about Austin, and what I said to him yesterday. I honestly didn't care, all he did was took me on a date and talk. Finally the traffic moved and I sped a little bit to school. I find a parking lot close to the building and run to it. My hair was still wet since it was raining. I didn't have time for breakfast so I just grab my stuff from the locker and walk to class. I sit down and see Michael with his hair sticking up. He sits back in his original seat and then Amanda walks in. She looks at me as if she wanted to ask me, "Are you ok?" I nod and she smiles and we turn in our essays. "Okay class, now who has heard of Romeo and Juliet?" Everyone raises their hands, but of course Michael. "Well we're going to start reading it tomorrow, and after we read it I want you all to an essay of what love is, and describe it." After we discuss our assignments the bell ring and I walk to Mr. Woods. "If we already read the book and know what love is, can we start it early?" I ask, and he takes off his glasses then wipes it with his shirt. "Sure, but you'll have to find something to do in class, instead of sitting around doing nothing." I nod and thank him then walk out of the glass and Michael is standing beside the door, scaring me. "I promised to walk you to class remember?" I remember he said that when he was hugging me, I nod and he grabs my gym bag and walks me to class. At one point he almost held my hand but it was too late because we were standing infront of the lockeroom. "I'll be standing here after class, see you soon." His words make my cheeks flush and I walk into the lockeroom to get changed. After talking about healthy diets and exersising we finally go in and change early. I was glad we didn't have to run because I really didn't want to. I used to be on a track team but it was so long ago, the thought of running made me cringe. I walk out and see Michael standing against the wall with his foot supporting him. I walk up to him and he hugs me. I wasn't expecting it at all honestly. We walk together to lunch and he talks about how he likes it when my hair is natural. "I really think you should leave it like that more often." He smiles. "I really like your hair that color, it's cute." I say and my stomach flutters at my own words. We head to the cafiteria and he buys me pizza with a Coke. We sit down and he smiles, "So do you want to get high with me again at the stream this weekend?" I swallow my slice and smile, "Sure, that sounds cool." I sip my soda. I never thought about getting high in my life, I never even knew about it. I was always the girl who got her school work done and didn't pay attention to the bad things, but weed honestly isn't bad. We continue to talk about how he wants to swim again and I see Austin coming towards me, my smile fades into a frown and my heart races. He doesn't look mad, or upset. Michael turns around and stands up. "What the fuck do you want?" Michael says and steps closer to Austin. "I need to talk to Daniella, fuck out of my way Michael." Michael was a little taller then Austin and a little buffer. I stand up and grab Michael by his elbow and sit him down. "It'll take a second, just wait here." I say quietly and Austin walks outside and I cross my arms. "I didn't use you for a bet, okay Daniella it was planned for me to but then I really started to like you, honestly. I know it's really sick and fucked up but I'll change just for you, if you just give me one more chance, I mean Michael was in it too and I can't possible see how you can like him!" He breathes and my heart just wants to tell him yes, but my mind tells me no. "I'll think about it." I say and walk back inside. I didn't want to at all.

*Michael's POV

When I see Daniellas face walk in I feel the tension rise up. "What did he say?" I ask while she sits down. "He wants me to give him another chance...and he said he'll change. For me." She says and I feel my heart tearing apart. I try not to flip shit or go crazy so I just stand up and dump my food in the trash and walk out of the school. I get in my car and punch the steering wheel. "Fuck!" I yell and I drive to the shed just to flip shit while no one can hear me or see me. If she believes him and gives him another chance, I'll kill him, then her for not listening to me. So she wouldn't believe me because I have fucking tattoos and bitch at people? But she'll believe a prince fucking charming of course. Of course. 

*Daniella's POV

During math I catch glances from Austin and I feel very uncomfortable. I honestly didn't know who I wanted or what I wanted. I just wanted to leave and find Michael and tell him I'm sorry and ever since I saw him I wanted to be with him. But I won't, I won't tell him. I can't. I doze out in math and next thing I know the bell rings. I walk with Amanda to my car and wave goodbye. I sit in my car in silence, who was lying this time..? I start the car and quietly listen to Coldplay and The Fray, "And I will try, to fix you" stuck to my mind like glue, was Michael trying to fix me from my past? I wish I knew the answers to these questions. I drive home and the rain is worse than before. Nobody is home when I walk in so I walk to Michaels house, not caring about the rain pouring on me. I knock on the door and the door opens but I don't see him. "Hello?" I say, stepping in. I felt rude for taking off my shoes at his house but they had water in them. I twirl around with my wet hair and see Michael in the kitchen with a bloody knuckle. "What happened? Who did you fight?" I grab his hand and rush him to the sink. I rinse it off but he doesn't answer me. "Well?" I say placing my hand to my wet hip. "Why don't you go fuck around with Austin, stop wasting my time." He snaps. "But...I don't want to date him.. I am going to tell him that." I say and he rolls his green eyes. "So do it, call him right now and say it, on speaker." His accent grows heavy and deep. I grab my phone and dial his number. "Have you made up your mind babe?" He says and Michael groans. "Actually I did.. I don't want to give you another chance, or any chances." Michael starts to laugh and I playfully punch his arm. "Wait, Michaels with you isn't he? That fucking bastard.." He says silently but Michael heard it loud and clear. "I'll fucking pound your face against the locker tomorrow Austin just fucking wait." Michael says and I almost laugh, but I stay serious. I hang up the phone and Michael pins me against the wall. "You aren't going to see him anymore, right?" His nose is against mine, I nod. "No, say it, say it to me." He says and my body feels that fire. "I..I won't see him, ever..again." I say and his lips crawl on my neck, he starts to kiss it and I let out a weak moan, he leaves wet kisses all over my neck. He goes to my lips and this time I kiss him back, letting him slide his tonuge in my mouth and I moan again, "You're so beautiful, you drive me fucking crazy." He says while kissing me, I put my hands to his hair and tug on it softly. We finally release eachother and he looks at me, with his pupils larger and his cheeks red. "I...I have to go..thank you for letting me stay.." I say and I feel stupid for saying it, I didn't want to leave. "Yeah.. I'll walk you to your classes again tomorrow.." He says awkwardly and I walk away but he grabs my arm, "Come to the frat house with me Saturday, it'll be fun." I smile and nod, "Sure, are we still going to the stream though?" I ask, "Yeah we can skip Friday and go." He says. I walk  back outside. I dump my shoes and slip them on feeling my socks mushing. I didn't like the idea of skipping school again but I'd do anything just to hang out with him. My heart flutters again and I get home and run straight to my room, what the hell just actually happened? I look in the mirror and see a purple mark on my neck. My eyes widen and I cover it with foundation and my hair. I liked it... a lot but what if this was part of his game? And all I am to him is a player of it? What if Michael was the one in the bet and Austin was the honest one?

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