Meet The Head Cheerleader

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(A/N: This is more of a fill in chapter! I'm still trying to figure out where this is going! Sorry for any disappointment :/ Pic of Taylor on the right!)

It’s been three weeks and Sam has completely cut me out of her life. Also Jessica has been acting really odd lately. The only person who’s actually been normal was Grace but she’s hardly allowed out because her parents are so strict. I’d been hanging out with Taylor and his boyfriend who is actually really nice. Right now I’m sitting in the cafeteria with them picking at my food.

“Well, well, well,” I heard in front of me. I turned and sighed. It was Brittany the head cheerleader. She’s such a bitch and seems to find pleasure in teasing me every day. Maybe it was because we used to be best friends till I realised how mean she was and left her for Jessica.

“Hanging out with faggots now are we?” she said harshly. Her stupid friends sniggered behind her. God they’re all idiots. I felt my anger rising as I stood up.

“Get the hell out of my face,” I hissed menacingly. Brittany looked surprised but sneered at me.

“Yeah? What you gunna do about it?”

I snapped. My fist shot out and connected with her nose which proceeded to start gushing blood.

“Oh my god! Look what you did you whore!” she said her voice muffled against her hand. Her friends were freaking out but I just watched with a slight smirk on my face. I was finding this quite amusing.

“What is going on here!” boomed a loud voice. My heart dropped. It was the principle. He walked quickly to us and examined Brittany’s nose.

“Get her to the nurse,” he instructed a girl with blonde hair and massive boobs. All her friends took her away; Brittany sobbing dramatically.

“What is going on with you Summer? You’re failing classes and now starting fights with other students?” I just hung my head and looked at the floor hoping it would swallow me up. I looked around and saw that everyone was staring at us with wide eyes. No doubt this would travel around the school like wild fire I thought miserably. When he saw that I wasn’t going to answer he took me to his office where I sat opposite him on his desk.

“Suspension Summer. That’s what you’re facing right now. Do you know how serious this is?” he said severely.

“I know sir but she was provoking me!” I exclaimed.

“Never the less you do not resort to violence!” he said. I looked at him and could see the disappointment written all over his face.

“A week’s suspension Summer. Be glad it’s nothing more. Now get out of my office,” he said harshly. I started sobbing as I ran outside to the car park. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and I whizzed around to find Taylor walking towards me looking very sad. He gave me a hug and sat down with me on the steps.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Not really,”

“Why did you punch her?”

“Why’d you think?! She was being rude!” I exclaimed hotly.

“Go home Summer. Maybe you should rest for a while,” I nodded and started to get in my car. He stopped me for a second.

“Don’t worry. It will get better Summer. Trust me,” I smiled gratefully.

“I hope so Taylor,” I said starting the car and driving away. I decided to go to Cold Rock and get some ice cream. As I pulled in I spotted Jessica’s red hair. I knew it was her because you can’t miss that hair. I frowned. What was she doing here in the middle of a school day? I got out of my car and as I got closer preparing to surprise her I saw who she was with. She was with that bitch Sam! Anger started boiling in my veins again and it took all my will power to turn around and get back into my car, all urges for ice cream gone. I raced home and ran into my room, slamming the door behind me sobbing for all I was worth.    

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