A Happy Surprise

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(A/N: I hope this is better! Picture of Brittany on the right!!!!) 

“The type of girl you wanna chew all of my bubble gum” I groaned as Rasheeda’s ‘Bubble gum’ came blurting out of my phone telling me I had a text.

Redheadsareawesome: ‘Hey babe hru?’ Anger burst through me again as I remembered yesterday. For some reason I felt betrayed.

ShinelikeSummer: ‘Fine’ I texted back climbing out my bed and pulling on some clothes. Seeing as I wasn’t allowed to come to school today I was going to make the most of it by going to the beach. My phone vibrated again.

Redheadsareawesome: ‘Are you sure? I heard about your suspension =/’

ShinelikeSummer: ‘Brittany deserved what she got’

Redheadsareawesome: ‘Yeah she’s such a bitch. Score one for Summer lol. What are you going to do all day then?’

ShinelikeSummer: I’m going to the beach.

Redheadsareawesome: ‘Cool. I was thinking of ditching skool today. Do you wanna meet up?’ I sighed inwardly but gave her the details agreeing to meet at the beach in half an hour. I was a little confused though. She had been pretty much ignoring me since my argument with Sam and now she suddenly wants to hang out? Something’s going on; either that or she’s just being bipolar. I groaned out loud and put my bikini on. I bounded down the stairs two at a time and landed at the bottom where I found my younger brother Sean eating breakfast. He smirked when he saw me.

“Mum’s so mad,” Crap! I’d forgotten about my parents! Uh oh, I’m in deep shit I thought as I heard my mum climbing down the stairs. I sat down at the table quickly and prepared myself for the yelling.

“Summer!” My eyes widened. “What the hell do you think you’re playing at huh?” she started ranting on and on. Soon my dad came and joined her but not even five minutes into the lecture I zoned out waiting for them to stop.

“You’re grounded for two weeks,” Those words drifted into my reverie and my eyes widened.

“Mum!” I exclaimed loudly. “I can’t be grounded! I have that party this weekend! You know this!” Agh! I can’t believe this! I’d been looking forward to this party all month and now I’m not allowed to go.

“You should have thought of that before you punched that poor girl in the face!” I scoffed.

“Poor! Mum she’s a bitch! She was making fun of Taylor!” But it was no use. She wouldn’t hear any of it and sent me up to my room. I quickly texted Jessica that’d I’d be running late. Yes I am still going whether my parents like it or not. I got my bag together and opened my window as quietly as possible. My room was only a couple of feet up so it wasn’t a very far drop. As soon as I was free I ran to my car and drove as fast as I could to the beach.

When I got there I didn’t waste any time. I laid my towel down and plugged my IPod in ready for some relaxation.

“Girl!” I heard a voice shout. It was Jessica running towards me in a gorgeous purple bikini. I propped myself up on one elbow and she came and lied down next to me.

“Hey Jessica,” she looked at me sceptically.

“What’s wrong?”

“My parents have grounded me for the whole punching Brittany in the face thing,” I muttered feeling my mood drop. She sighed.

“I haven’t seen you in ages babe. What’s been going on with you?” I felt myself getting angry for some reason and I decided to just get to the point.

“I saw you with Sam yesterday,” she cocked an eyebrow.


“So?! Is she your new best friend now!?” I practically yelled at her. She looked so surprised but that was quickly replaced by anger.

“Wow Summer. I never knew you were this immature,” Ouch. That hurt.

“You haven’t been talking to me; I feel like you’re ignoring me Jessica!” She shook her head in disgust but didn’t say anything to prove me wrong. That hurt even more.

“Sam was right, you are too clingy,” My eyes widened in shock. “I’m gunna go,” and with that she got up and left me hanging. My anger was reaching boiling point. I found my hand moving to my phone and I dialled Sam’s number all the while my anger eager to burst out.


“You’re such a bitch! How dare you tell Jessica I’m too clingy! What are you trying to do? Steal her away from me?” I yelled in the phone. There was a shocked silence.

“I didn’t do anything. She came to me. Looks like she’s bored of you Summer, deal with it,” and she hung up on me. I was in shock and my phone slid out of my hand while my brain was bursting with unhappy thoughts. I had to get away from here.

I was only 17 but I had my fair share of fake I.D’s. Jessica and I used to go to clubs and dance and get drunk and I felt the urge to do that again; get away from everything.

I drove to the club I went to with my whole group. I knew the bouncer and he let me in with a smirk. I was still in my bikini but I really didn’t care. The club was huge with a bar in one corner and a huge stage in the centre. At the moment a couple of strippers were pole dancing to the entertainment of some dirty men. I snorted in disgust and went to the bar ordering a Vodka enjoying the burn as it slid down my throat. On my third I was starting to feel dizzy.

“Summer?” I looked towards the voice and saw a girl called Chloe coming towards me. She was in my English class. “What are you doing here?” I suddenly felt the need to tell her everything which was exactly what I did.

“Oh my goodness, that’s awful!” I sniffed and nodded.

“Yeah it’s pretty bad and I’m not sure what to do about it,” She seemed to contemplate something.

“I have an idea. Why don’t you hang out with me and Phoebe? You know, get to know us a bit more. We might be…” she looked away for a second. “Social outcasts, but we’re not that bad,” I smiled. She was genuinely being nice to me and I appreciated it. Maybe I needed to find some real friends who actually liked me for me.

“I’d like that,” I said looking into her eyes. She smiled again.

“Wanna come round my place?” she asked.

“Sure,” I think I’ve made a new friend and a good one at that. 

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