Chapter Three

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This time, when I came to, I was on a black couch. This couch had to be the most comfortable couch ever made. Black leather, but it wasn't sticking to my exposed skin, like normal learher would.

I sit up, and notice I'm in an office. Papers were everywhere, but some how still seems organized. The room was relatively plain besides three organizing cabinets in a corner by a black wood desk. The couch was against the wall facing the desk. There was a large glass door that leads to an empty back yard, and to the begining of the forest. When I got up and tried the door, it was locked. So I grabbed the desk lamp.

I reared back to throw, and the lamp was gently pried from my hands. I don't know how to make sense of that, but it happened. A large hand wrapped around my smaller one, and opened my fingers while taking the lamp. It happened so quick, that I had to stand there staring at my hand before I spun around to be faced with the Alpha.

"Guten Tag, meine Liebe." He says, the language was one I wasn't familiar with, and his face was slightly more relaxed than the last time I had seen him, but his eyes shown with unreadable emotion. All, except one, adoration.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then I closed it when nothing intelligible came out. I backed up until my back was pressed against the glass door. I wonder if he was going to hurt me? He was huge. He probably would. The Alpha sighs, "Can I have you name? Bitte."

I gulp audibly, before replying with a weak, "Ariel."

He raises a perfect eye brow, "As in the Disney mermaid Prinzessin?"

I shake my head, "I-I don't..." I keep my eyes on the ground.

"Are you scared of me, Prinzessin?" He asks, and I nod rapidly. "Why?"

"Maybe it's because she's like four feet tall, and you're nearly seven foot?" A cocky deep voice says. I look over, and see a very handsome man with an amused smile on his face. He looked at me, and his smile grew. My face heated up, "Well, aren't you a pretty thing?"

"Ramon." The Alpha growls, "Don't scare her." His face was one of warning. I felt a rush of protectiveness that wasn't my own. I searched my mind for and the only think I could come up with was that it was the Alpha's. But that didn't make any sense. I wouldn't be able to feel the Alpha's emotions.


"I wasn't, Alpha. I was just saying she's very pretty. Beauitful even. You guys' children will be gorgeous!" He looked like a kid who just found a chocolate stash, and was hyped up on peanut butter.

The last part of what he says strikes me, and I squeak, running behind the couch, "Please don't hurt me!" They both look at me, amusement clear on Ramon's face, and the shock clear in the Alpha's eyes.

"We're not going to hurt you, Prinzessin." The Alpha says, his voice sounding slightly warmer than it did a little while ago.

Ramon raises an eyebrow, "Why are you calling her a princess? Or is it just a pet name?" He was confusing me. From what I read in books and stories, it was taboo to speak to an Alpha male as if you were familiar with him. His word was law, and he'd kill you for disrespect and disobedience. As this thought strikes me, I start to panic. Would they kill me if I didn't do what they wanted?

The Alpha suddenly reaches for me, and my heart beat picks up even more, he looks down at me. His eyes were full of concern, "Prinzessin, why is your heart going so fast? Calm down. No one is going to hurt you." He was murmuring the words to me.

Ramon cuts in, "Yeah, if anyone even thinks about it, the big guy here will rip their heads off."

I start hyperventilating.

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