Chapter Eight

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When my eyes open to meet the sunlight, I'm met with a face full of blinding light. I groan, and lay back down; jerking the covers over my head.

The past two weeks had gone by fairly quickly. Wulf didn't make out with me even once more, but every night after supper he would walk me to my room and listen to me sing and play one of my instruments.

He always looked stotic and intimidating, but his eyes said differently. I don't know why I could read him so well, but I felt like I could read him like an open book. I never asked anyone if that was normal, even though I really wanted to know. However, I did know that when I felt myself fall just a little but more in love with Wulf everyday, that it was normal. The Bond was supposed to do that, plus I could also be genuinely falling for him. He kept trying to ask me questions about my family, and my childhood life. I always somehow made his attention shift elsewhere. I don't want to tell him about that. Everyone has a past, and mine was too dark for him to be included.

Tee had left about a week ago, saying she would keep in touch. It was a ready departure, and I sobbed with her before she left. Wulf was really busy, so Brad comforted me. Brad was getting really handsy though, and as he walked me into the house, he'd pinned me to a wall to try to kiss me. I'd yelled, and Wulf came sprinting down the stairs, and crashed into Brad. But it wasn't his human form.

He was a huge black wolf that stood almost taller than me while he was on all fours. He was beautiful. He chased after Brad while I was sobbing, and he'd come back later really angry. I'd got him to calm down slightly, and he'd cuddled with me that night. The next morning, I calle Tee and she was just as pissed. She'd said she find him, and I haven't heard from her since. That was almost three days ago. Now all I had was the werewolves who were slowly becoming a family to me.

Slowly, but surely, I was learning about werewolves. It was difficult at first, because Camelle gets offended too easily. But she was great. I'd learned that Camelle was Ramon's mate, which made her a Beta too. When Camelle told me about the first time she'd seen Ramon, I almost cried. It was so sappy but so so romantic at the same time. Too bad me and Wulf couldn't have met like that.

'Prinzessin,' Wulf's deep voice fills my head, 'You're awake?'

A grin pops up to my face, and I giggle out loud. I always did that now when he called me 'Prinzessin' and it was beginning to become a bad habit. Sometimes it irritated me that he called me that, because I was NOT a princess, but then he'd smile at me and I'd giggle. Wulf did whatever he could to make me happy, and I love it. Call me selfish, but I loved feeling like I could rely on Wulf for anything that I need, or want. I don't think he minded me leaning on him anyway.

'I am.' I say, 'It's too bright.'

'Do you want me to send someone to close the curtains for you?' His deep voice sounded kind've distracted and I knew he was taking care of his Alpha buisness.

He always jumped to that. 'Do you want me to send someone?' It used to annoy me, but then I realized he was just trying to make me feel like a princess, not just call me one. I was really girlie on my own, so I don't think it was an issue of me wearing dresses or frilly things like that. He just wanted me to feel special, and I loved that.

'No, I've got it.' I stand and walk over to the curtains, squeezing them shut. Then I realize that my room look dim, so I open the curtains as wide as I could, and smile at the result. I loved sunshine. Walking over to my closet, I start to go through my clothes while speaking to Wulf mentally too, 'Can I do something today?'

'Actually, I need you to get all dressed up, but kind've casual as well. Today, you're getting introduced to the pack. You've been here for two weeks, it's time.' Comes his distracted reply.

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