Chapter Six

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When they dropped me off at my room, I smiled kindly at them, and they told me bye.

Entering my room, I could say I was surprised that it looked exactly like the one at home, but for some odd reason I'd be lying. It seems that Wulf would do anything to make me happy, and I've known the guy for a day.

It was getting really easy not to think of him as just a male that was closer than arms length to me. And that was normally scary, but now it was... comforting.

The only thing really different about my room, was that it was bigger, and came with a balcony. Bright yellow bed spread with one big tree looking as if it was actually on the bed spread, but it was just design. My brown wood desk with my lap top sat right across from it. A yellow desk lamp sat next to my lap top, and a black desk roller chair. The cream carpet was soft under my feet as I walked to my bed and sat. The brown vanity stood against the wall by the balcony doors. The walls of the room was white, but I saw the yellow butterfly that Tee had painted me when we first moved in. Upon closer inspection, I found it was still wet. She must've just painted it. I looked at all of my music electronics that were near my bed. Including my piano, my amp, my acoustic gutair, and my electric gutair. Both of my gutairs were yellow with a butterfly on the electric, and a tree on the acoustic.

I sigh happily, maybe I would like it here. But what about that mind link thing? Would Wulf keep his promise and not read my mind? Eventually, I'd start thinking about how hot he is. I don't think anyone with a X chromosome, and probably some with a Y, probably can't stop thinking about sex when Wulf is involved. I mean, he's hot.

A knock on my door interrupted my embarrassing thoughts.

I get up off my bed, and walk to it. Brad was leaning on the door. The mintue I opened the door, I knew he was drunk. Apprently, even vampires could get drunk.

"Brad?" I ask, confused, "Why are you here? You're drunk."

He smiles at me, but then I could really smell the alcohol. He chuckles, and reaches out to touch my face, "You're so pretty, A."

I roll my eyes, my sarcastic side coming out, "I've heard that a lot lately." Looking around, I realized Jake was leaning against the wall across from my room. I put my finger to my lips in a hush motion. He nods once in understanding, and I turn to Brad, "Get in here. You need to sleep. You're too damn drunk."

Brad chuckles, stumbling into my room, "This is why I come to you, A. You're a little angel. You help me. Thank you."

I roll my eyes, and wave to Jake, who gives me a weak smile. I close my door.


"Why are you here, Brad?" I ask, helping him walk to my bed so he could stay down. He was barely walking; mostly leaning on me.

He chuckles, the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath, "Because Tee wouldn't care for me like you would. No can take care of me like you can, Ariel." I help him on to my bed, and he lays on his back with his legs dangling down from the knee up. His hands rest on his stomach, and he looks up at te ceiling, "I mean, I used to think I was in love with you, A."

Wait... Brad used to think he was in love with me? If it was any other day, I'd probably sit down and think, and maybe I'd tell him I like him like that too, but I couldn't. With the appearance of Wulf and his pack, and the new sensations running through me every time I even thought of Wulf or heard his name, I couldn't even entertain the idea of liking Brad like that.

I sigh, and shake my head defiantly, choosing to ignore his statement due to the obvious slur in his words, "You aren't, and never will be, in love with me, Brad." I was actually trying to convince myself it was the alcohol talking, but I knew better. Brads' tolerance was to the roof.

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