Chapter Four

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"How long have you had an anxiety issue?"

Looking up at him, I lick my lips before begining the acid lie, "When I was seven, I almost drowned. I can't swim, So whenever I freak out or I'm in a closed space, I start to hyperventilate."

Wulf grunts, "Why didn't he take you to the doctor when he noticed it the first or second time?"

"Because I didn't let him know until it got really bad." I say, lying smoothly again. I'd said lies about this subject for so long, that it was probably the only thing I could lie about and not get caught. Wulf's gaze became hardened, and all emotion left his eyes as he stared at me for a while. Before understanding crept up into his gaze. He nods briskly, and continues to ask questions about me. Things like what was my favorite color? How old was I? How tall was I exactly? What was my favorite songs?

"What do you do in your free time?" He asks, leaning back on the couch. After about the sixteenth question, I scooted over and patted the side of the couch. I felt comfortable enough to have him at arms distance, but I'm almost positive it's going to be a while before I let him in. It took Brad a while as well, and it might take Wulf just the same amount of time.

He didn't even have to be told twice, however. I figured by now he'd be tired of hearing about me, but he was listening intently. He didn't even comment about what he liked or didn't like. The most I'd get out of him was questions about my answers.

"I like to sing, and I play the guitar and piano." I say, leaning on my hand staring at his eyes. Something about them just fascinated me. I loved how guarded emotions crept to his face, but every single thing he felt showed clearly in his eyes. His emotions didn't change that often, but every now and then you'd see a new one. He was currently looking at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher, and I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"What?" He asks, his eyes flashing in the emotion again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, a small smile on my face as I look at his handsome one, "Do you play any instruments?"

He nods, "I play the saxophone."

I raise my eye brows with a small smile on my face; I adjust myself on the soft couch, "Can you play something for me?"

"Maybe another time," he murmurs, staring down at me. Even sitting on the couch, I had to look up at him. I swear, I don't know how he found that I was good enough for him. I mean, yeah, I was kind of pretty, but he was just absolutely gorgeous. I honestly don't understand how someone could be so damn perfect physically. His eyes were so dark but showed so much of him, and although his face was nearly always expressionless, it just made him that much more mysterious. His dark hair looked so soft, and his lips were so inviting. His muscles showed through the white button up shirt, and his jeans were rubbing against my legs soothingly, making me look at our legs intertwined slightly.

I have no idea how I felt so comforted by just his presence. I'd never ever felt this way, especially not near any male. I sigh, and look back up at Wulf, "What's going on?"

His eyes shine, and he inhails deeply through his mouth, "I'd figured you'd eventually ask." I look at him, waiting. He looks like he's collecting his thoughts. He blows out air through his nose before beginning, "The biggest part in all of this is the Mate Bond. What you're feeling is just a touch of what you're going to feel when I Mark you. And believe me, it's going to be multiplied by a hundred. If I'm correct from watching others, you'll probably want to always want to be around me, and we'll be able to communicate mentally. It's normal. About a month after the Marking, you'll be burning so bad you'll be begging for it."

"Begging for what?" I whisper, my cheeks heating as I already knew the answer.

Wulf's eyes shine with mischief, but all he does is continue explain, "The Bond is strong, because I'm an Alpha. That means everything is intensified for me, and now for you as well. Which means everything," a gasp escapes my mouth as he trails his fingers softly up my arm, and pleasant tingles shoot up and down my arm, "I do to you- you feel. Everything is intensified for you."

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