Chapter 7

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It was really early in the morning. Around 5 or 6 am. The sun began to rise and shadows started flying and running away from the brightness of the sun. They were flying and running to the camp. Towards Pan's hut.
There was Raven still unsconcious and Pan was still sleeping on his side of the bed.
Shadows came flying in fiar and went in Raven. Every shadow went in her.
Few seconds later, Raven opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times.
She sat and looked around. She remembered last night.
She fainted on the ground, when shadows came out from her.
'Pan must put me in bed.' She thought to herself. She looked at her left side and her eyes fell on Pan. He wasn't wearing a shirt.
He had muscles and he had abs. Most girls would drool over him and would be blushing, but not Raven. She just looked at him and got up.
She went out from the hut and looked at the camp. Everyone were still asleep. She was the first one awaken.
She decided to look around. There were huts everywhere. Then there were laters for climbing and walking from the tree to tree. There were also a few treehouses. Everything was really nice.
Raven went further into the forest.
She kept walking. She wasn't trying ro run away. She wasn't afraid of them.
She knew that someone is going to find her, thinking she ran away and then Pan will start yelling at her. But till' then she was enjoying the peace and quite.
It was still early in the morning.
Even if she didn't like the sun, it was a beautiful sight on the nature.
Neverland looked beautiful. It didn't look like this was the place where the ruler was a bloody deamon.
Flowers were everywhere. Green trees and grass. Dew was also everywhere. It was marvelous.

Few hours later, Raven was still walking in the forest, when she heard yelling.
She knew those were Lost boys.
They found out she was gone and they stared panicing. Raven rolled her eyes, sighed and just continued walking.

She heard footsteps behind her and turned around. It was Felix. "You're here." he sighed in relief. Raven shrugged her shoulders and said. "I was just walking around."
Felix came closer. "Pan is angry. He thinks you ran away." He said.
Raven chuckled. And shook her head.
"Can we go back to the camp?" Felix asked. Raven nodded and went towards the camp. Felix following her.

When they came, everyone's eyes were on them. Pan walked to them.
He started yelling. "Where were you?!"

"I was just walking around! Why do you care anyway?!" She yelled back.

"You should have told me!" he yelled. "Told you what?! You don't have to know my every move, you do not own me!" she yelled at Pan.

All Lost boys were watching both of them in fear. They were screaming at each other in anger.

"I do own you. That moment when your foot stepped on this island, you became mine." He said with a smirk and put his fingers under her shin, bringing her face closer, looking at her black eyes.

"Oh, you do not!" she yelled at him and pushed him off her. With that she went into the forest towards the beach.

When she came there, she sat under the tree, where she had a great view on the sea. She was very angry at Pan.

'What an idiot!' she thought. 'I am not his puppet!'

She was so concentrated on insulting Pan, that she didn't even realized someone was there. That someone put a hand on her shoulder and with that she suddenly twisted his hand and person screamed in pain. She looked at the person better and looked at Felix.

"Oh, sorry." She apologized and sat back, leaning on the tree.

"It's okay. Sorry if I scared you." He said and sat next to her, under the tree.

"How are you doing?" he asked her. She sighed in frustration. "I am so pissed on Pan! He is such a brat!" she was yelling. Felix sighed. "Well, to me he is my best friend. He is the one who brought us here, where we will never grow old and we can always have fun. Every boy who is here, is here because he was unloved in real world and no one of us had a real family, we were lost, alone and sad. He let us be free here." he explained.

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