Chapter 9

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The next morning, everyone got up early.

They all went to their fighting place.

(A/N sorry, I don't know how's that called ^-^')

Pan dragged Raven there form the hut and all Lost boys were there.

Raven released herself from Pan's grip.

Pan turned around and saw that Raven stopped. walking. They were now in a circle of Lost boys.

Pan grinned. Raven was watching at him carefully.

"You're going to show us what you can do." Pan said to her. Raven didn't say a word.

Pan took the sword and throw it in front of Raven. He grinned with rest of the boys.

Raven looked at the sword and then again at Pan. "Don't tell me that you're afraid of the sword?" Pan asked with his British accent and grinning. Raven looked at him once again and took the sword i her hands, with her head up, she lifted the sword and twirled it. Her expression was more then deadly serious. Pan's grin disappeared when he saw her determent face and moves. Also other Lost boys were just like Pan that moment. Unsecured, confused, unsure...

But Pan ignored it. He took the sword for him and got in his fighting position.

"I think I will go easy on you." He said, starting grinning again.

"Don't." Raven said, emotionless. Pan launched at Raven, but Raven dodged it. Pan was waving with his sword on Raven in a fast speed, and Raven succeed to dodge everything. Everyone were shocked, because nobody could ever dodge Pan's attacks."Stop going easy on me, give me all you got." Raven said to him. And he gave. Then suddenly, Raven swung her sword and blocked Pan's.  That was an incredible shock for everyone. Even for Pan.  He looked at her with wide open eyes. Raven's face was still emotionless. She just swung her sword again and attacked Pan. She was attacking him in all sort of ways. Pan was completely lost. He could barely defend himself. Then Raven pushed Pan and pinned him on the ground. She sat on him, she was holding his hands with her one hand and with other hand she was holding sword on Pan's neck. Everything went silent. Lost boys were watching in shock and disbelief. Pan was a little nervous. He saw a spark in Raven's black eyes. Then she got up and she let go of the sword, which fell next to Pan. With that Raven was about to go, when Pan suddenly got up and said. "You're the first one who ever beat me. Nice work."Pan said. Raven turned to see him and she saw him smirk. She just turned back and went in the forest.

Everyone were looking at her, till' she wasn't able to be seen anymore.

"Tonight she will join us in celebrating." Pan said, smirking.

Boys nodded and went their ways.

In meanwhile, in the forest where Raven was, she was standing in the middle.

The wind was blowing and her hair was dancing on the wind.

She opened her eyes and saw shadows all around.

She smiled sadly. "Hi guys." she said.

"I missed you." Then she turned around and saw a little baby shadow of a girl. She smiled again and kneeled down in front of the baby shadow of a girl. "Hello." Raven said.

Baby shadow of a girl was just looking at her with big eyes. She was really cute.

"You're one of us." Raven said, smiled and put her hand on shadow's head, which passed.

Raven closed her eyes. She concentrated and then she could touch that baby shadow of a girl. With that, that little shadow went in Raven and got out as a part of Raven.

Raven smiled, got up and continued walking.

In camp, boys were  preparing things for tonight's celebration. Pan was waiting for Raven.

Also Alex and Felix. Alex was concerned for Raven.

All Lost boys were sitting in camp. Felix and Pan were talking.

Then Pan got up and took his pipe. He started playing and all Lost boys started dancing.

Then Raven got back. She saw them dancing and she sat beside the fire and listened Pan's beautiful music. She didn't really want to dance.

Soon, Alex came to her, smiling. "Hey, want a dance?" He asked. Raven said."Thank, but no thanks."

"Oh, c'mon." He started complaining and dragging Raven. They were both laughing. "No! Stop!" she was laughing. Some of Lost boys were watching them and being jealous.

At the end Alex succeed and he brought Raven in the middle of the camp, where everyone were dancing. Raven started to feeling every second more and more free about dancing. They way she was dancing, everyone were looking at her. The way how she looks, her body,... everything.

Alex stopped dancing and he was watching at Raven. He was smiling at her.

Raven looked at him and smiled.

Pan was watching at them and he was really, really jealous. He wanted to rip Alex apart. Also Felix, who was watching them from the corner. And some other boys. Almost all teenager boys were in love with Raven and they were really jealous at Alex.

Then Pan came to Raven and Alex. He came in front of Raven, covering Alex behind him and saying. "May I cut in?" He asked in his British accent.

Raven smiled slightly. Alex was pissed on Pan and went to other boys.

Pan and Raven continued dancing and having fun. Raven spin around and Pan suddenly came really close to her. Their foreheads were leaned on each others and they were watching in each other's eyes and lips. They continued dancing in that position. Almost every boy was jealous at Pan that moment.

Then Raven and Pan stopped dancing. They were just staring at each other's eyes and lips.

They were almost hugged and they were really close to each other.

They were about to kiss.

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