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Autumn's POV

I wake up earlier than usual. Kona is still fast asleep on the huge teddy bear. I got ready and just sat on the couch watching TV. Teen Titans Go was on (great show by the way lelz). After awhile of that I went downstairs and waited for the bus at my stop. When the bus came, I got on and Lilly and Summer weren't on the bus. Huh, they have never been out at the same time, weird. Once I got to school lots of students weren't at school. When I got to home room I and a few other students were there. There was even a substitute girl for our class. It was mostly the boys that were gone. Even Jason wasn't at school. 'Autumn our mate is hurt! Go find him so we can help!' Vixen was so worried about Jason. "Teacher may I please go to the bathroom?" I asked nicely. "Of corse Autumn" the sub said. I went to the bathroom and thank Nutella that it is on the first floor and there is a window that I could fit through. I opened the window and climbed out and landed gracefully on the ground. As soon as I touched the ground, I shifted into a fox. I let Vixen take over since she knows where mate is. When we got to a clearing and saw Jason fighting a lot of wolves that weren't in the pack and he was taking them on by himself. Vixen automatically went into full attack mode and killed seven out of nine wolves, while Jason was just finishing up on the last one. Once he was done, he turned around and saw me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking because he was in wolf form, and it's hard to tell how a wolf is feeling when you don't know what face expression the wolf is using. I can see that Ace was in control, but I know that Jason was watching from the sidelines. 'Are you crazy?! You could've gotten yourself killed! I could've lost you! I don't know what I would do without you..' He trailed off. He actually cared about me. Like, full on, would risk his life cared. Ugh I love him so freking much. 'But I didn't die, I am not crazy and you didn't lose me, and you never will lose me" Vixen stated with pride. He looked at the wolves I killed, and was too shocked and amazed that I killed more wolves then him in a small battle.He went behind a tree and shifted back, and put some basketball shorts on. I just shifted with my clothes back on. "How did you do that?" Jason asked like he's seen a ghost. "I- I just can."

Eh maybe once and awhile I will update on Wednesdays, cause I got nothing better to do a night when I should be sleeping but nobody knows I'm up.. Shh. Anyways, I ran about 3 and 1/2 miles today! And I have the best running buddy.. Lelz.. I am so confused in life right now, maybe in the future I will tell you;). But ain't nobody got time for school! On Friday I might not update cause I am going to my best sister in the worlds sweet 16! My gosh she is so old lel. Well I am going to try to fall asleep! Goodnight, or good morning, or good afternoon, whenever you read this! Bue:) (new way of saying bye- bue!)

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