Chapter 2

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Grace POV:

Gathering the small amount of belongings I have with myself I begin to walk down the same narrow road again.

I continue to walk, lost in my own thoughts. I begin to wonder what would have life been if my pack was still alive? Surely my brother, the Alpha and his beautiful mate would have been married by now, taking care of the pack since the Alpha position was handed down to my brother by my father when he turned 18.

Tears slowly fall down my cheeks as I reminisce the memories from 3 years ago.


"Mom!" I scream as I scramble down the stairs. My brothers loud footsteps could be heard pounding against the floor as he chased after me.

Screaming, I ran faster towards the family room where my mother, father, and brothers mate were sitting. Upon seeing me and my brother, the three shared an amused look. I quickly ran into the embrace and safety of my dads arms away from my brothers wrath.

As my brother came closer to grabbing me and getting his revenge, my dad covered me with his muscular arms.

"Dad let this devil go, she needs to be taught a lesson" my brother roared.

I shrieked and hid behind my dad again. "Son, don't you dare lay a hand on my princess. Why don't you calmly tell me what she did to rile up the big bad Alpha" my dad reasoned in a serious tone, but you couldn't miss the amused look in his eyes.

"This devil ate the last of my ice cream bars that were in the fridge" my brother sneered.

Immediately I came to my rescue and defended myself. " No I did not! I don't even like those nasty fruit bars you eat."

"Oh yeah? Who ate them then?" My brother retorted.

At this moment we saw Ameila, my brothers mate raise her hand. "Guilty as charged, but Mr. Alpha, is there a problem with that? She asked as she stared my brother down daring him to say otherwise.

"Of course not baby. What's mine is yours." He said as we all tried to hold in our laughs.

"Whipped" both my dad and I snickered as my brother turned to glare at us along with our mother who took his side on the matter.

But soon everyone burst into laughter as my brothers face turned beet red.

Soon enough, he too joined in and the room surrounded with laughter.

Flashback over

I wipe a few stray tears that had unwillingly fallen out of my eyes. It's been three years but I doubt I'll ever get over the death of my family. Without them, life didn't seem worth it, but I knew that I had to stay alive.

I was Grace Anderson, the only surviving member of the Crescent Moon Pack.


I had been walking for a good 3 hours and I was close to the territory of the Crescent Moon Pack.

Today was the anniversary of the day my pack was wiped out. I visit every year on this day. Nobody knows I am alive and I want to keep it that way. Since nobody found my body the day following the attack they all assumed I was killed. I kept myself low on the radar, I was perfectly fine on my own and I didn't need anyones pity.

As I walk closer, I spot the meadow that was a few miles away from my pack. The same meadow my best friend, Meredith and I would visit to kill time. We would lay for hours and hours just talking about life and the future.

Feeling nostalgic I stop my thoughts and notice that I am a few steps away from the pack territory.

Empty. That is the word used to describe the territory. I guess Arsen Hall had to have the very last laugh seeing as he burned everything down to ashes.

Arsen Hall. The name that gives me nightmares and the reason why I no longer have anyone in my life. The ruthless Alpha was too inconsiderate to get his facts straight before attacking an innocent pack. 

He killed an innocent pack thinking we were the cause of his fathers death. At just 19 years old he ruled the Dark Shadow Pack after his fathers death and made a vow to avenge his fathers death.

Little did he know, The Crescent Moon Pack was never involved in the mysterious death. But it was too late now. The damage is done and nothing can be changed.

Taking the last few steps I sit down and the tears begin to fall. I mourn the loss of my family, my best friend, my pack, and all the innocent people that died that day. Why couldn't it have been me? Why couldn't I have died along with them?

Lost in my own thoughts and tears I didn't hear footsteps nearing me. So when a deep voice boomed "Who are you and why are you on this territory"

I knew I had just landed myself in deep shit.


Hello whatever small amount of readers I have.

I know I haven't updated in a while but I am going to start updating more often.

School took over life but since it is ending in a few months I decided to continue on with Because of You.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the coming chapters!

Until next time :)

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